预订College Students in the United States: Characteristics, Experiences, [ISBN:9780470947203] 【全球购】进口原版图书,约3-6周到达国内后发出 作者:Renn, Kristen A.;Reason, Robert D.出版社:Jossey-Bass出版时间:2012年11月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥436.00 ...
The learning gaps of immigrant and international student groups who have been on the increase in colleges and universities across the United States raise the challenges of ensuring educational equity and inclusion that all students—but minoritized students, in particular—need for college success. In...
In addition, students identified negative behaviors in violent relationships that seem to follow some of the common themes that were found in the current literature. Participants were not aware of current efforts at UCF to address college campus dating violence from a prevention standpoint, but were...
Mental health differences between multiracial and monoracial college students in the United States: emerging racial disparities. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2023;69(3):744–751. https://journals-sagepub-com.proxy.lib.ohio-state.edu/doi/https://doi.org/10.1177/00207640221135817 Udry JR, Li RM, ...
In this descriptive study, we analyze survey data from 140 LGBTQ + college students with disabilities in the United States and provide demographics as well as exploration of indicators of well-being, including campus climate. Findings detail how students use multiple terms to describe their sexual ...
The mental health of students has become one of the top concerns in higher education. The number of students reporting distress and seeking services has dramatically increased, and colleges and universities are struggling to address these challenges. A r
This study explored First-Generation College Students' (FGCS) resilience in pursuing higher education in Ghana. FGCS is conceptualised as learners whose parents did not complete or attend university and who encountered challenges that could have impaired their resilience to pursue higher education in Gh...
The Internet has provided a new context for the exploration of the concept of identity. This study used innovative perspectives in studying the online identities of a group of college students in China. (1) The study explored the individual 'you' rather than a collective identity. (2) The st...
Queer students in international higher education: a review of distinct motivations, considerations, and challenges Article Google Scholar .. (pp. 709–723). London: Routledge. (8), 219–230. Beemyn, G. (2015). Coloring outside the lines of gender and sexuality: The struggle of nonbinary st...
An important factor for First Generation High School students (FGS) in higher education is social capital. To highlight differences in social capital betwe