Q4. How does the AP ICET College Predictor tool calculate the cut-off marks? Ans. The AP ICET College Predictor 2025 tool calculates the cut-off marks based on various factors such as the number of candidates who appeared for the exam, the number of seats available, the previous year's ...
Ensemble Variant Effect Predictor15 http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/index.html These are not comprehensive lists, and inclusion does not represent an organizational endorsement of any individual database or product. All websites last accessed June 7, 2016. dbSNP, The Database of Short...
2.5. Outcome and predictor variables The main response variables are the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress among the respondents. To facilitatemultivariate analysis, the outcome variables were grouped into binary categories that included minimal/mild/lower level as ‘0′ and moderate/severe/hig...
In subgroup analysis, the subcutaneous fat mean density remained an independent predictor for overall survival, in both early (pT1 and pT2) and late stage (pT3) ovarian cancers. Conclusions: Changes in subcutaneous fat composition upon the diagnosis of ovarian cancer could be an independent ...
(2021) found negative emotion to be a significant predictor of student engagement in plagiarism and suggest that stress arising from assessment design may be considered a risk to academic integrity. Recent publications have also pointed to the importance of focusing on mental health and academic ...
College is an exhilarating but stressful time often associated with mental distress. The StudiCare project offers Internet- and mobile-based interventions
Yet, a recent analysis of the Korean national health insurance data indicated while elevated SBP remains an independent and strong predictor of future CVD, DBP showed SBP-dependent indication [16]. Accounting for diverging claims on role of elevated SBP versus DBP, it deems essential to evaluate ...
In addition, LE (β = 0.508, p-value < 0.001) was a significant predictor of LQ. We can see that all the proposed hypotheses were supported. Table 6. Hypothesis testing of the research model (significant at *** p < 0.001, * p < 0.05). The endogenous variables of the whole model...
All SectionsAdolescentsAgingAirAnthropogenic CircularityBehavioral and Mental HealthBiosafetyChemoenvironmentChildren's HealthClimate ChangeDigital HealthDisabilitiesDisaster MedicineDisease PreventionEmerging ContaminantsEnvironment and Applied EcologyEnvironmental Analysis and MethodsEnvironmental Chemistry and TechnologyEnvironme...
It allows the candidates to make a comparative analysis of the institutes on the basis of the previous year’s cutoff It allows candidates to personalize their results by providing their college preferences in the MHT CET 2025 College Predictor tool result. Also read: MHT CET Participating College...