九、劳资关系学院(School of Labor and Employment Relations) 十、法学院(College of Law) 十一、文理学院(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) 十二、信息科学院(School of Information Sciences) 十三、传媒学院(College of Media) ...
●文理学院College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ●信息科学学院School of Information Sciences ●媒体学院College of Media ●卡莱伊利诺伊医学院Carle Illinois College of Medicine ●社会工作学院School of Social Work ●兽医学院College of Veterinary Medicine UIUC可谓是硅谷的草原,其学校的地理位置毗邻芝加哥,因此可...
The most popular degree areas are liberal arts/general studies (22%), the social sciences (14%), engineering (11%), business/marketing (8%), and biology (7%). Professional Outcomes: Upon receiving their degree, 95% of the Class of 2022 immediately joined the workforce–with an average ...
UIUC(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)数学博士在读,Illinois Wesleyan University数学学士。DIY完成博士申请,方向为应用数学和计算工程。收到包括UIUC, U Arizona, Louisiana State等全奖博士录取,收到包括UIUC, U of Utah, Pittsburg的东亚研究硕士录取。专注以科研为导向的留学申请。目前是博士在读,拥有丰富的...
文理学院:指注重本科教育,所开设专业多集中在博雅教育(Liberal Arts Education)范畴的大学,规模普遍较小,大多不颁发研究生学位,且绝大多数为私立院校。因思
including Ivy League universities, elite liberal arts colleges, and renowned research institutions. Our expertise extends beyond rankings; we leverage data-driven insights and years of experience to help students find their best-fit schools and stand out in an increasingly competitive admissions landscape...
Manhattan. These NYU best pre-college summer programs are available from several NYU schools in the areas of art, media studies, economics, policy, education, science, and more than a dozen options from the College of Arts and Sciences. In addition, students can opt for a College 101 worksh...
Literature and History of the Arts文学及艺术史 Creative and Performing Arts创造性及表演艺术 Philosophical, Religious, and Social Thought哲学、宗教、社会思想(都是随手翻译的勿喷) 一共大概11门课,必须全学完。这个挺烦的...因为我要double major本来课就很多了,而且还在学德语,结果还得顾着GER(AP考的太少...