...可的法律学位或在英国考取一个良好的非法律学位,并在法律学院(Collegeof Law)或认可的大学修读一年全日制课程。 hk.knowledge.yahoo.com|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,法学院,法律学院 更多例句筛选 1. Universityof ArizonaCollegeofLawBankruptcycourse ...
ANU College of Law将更名为ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy(法学院、治理与政策学院)。重组后的学院将包括法学院、克劳福德公共政策学院、规制与全球治理学院及国家流行病学与人口健康中心。 工程、计算与控制论学院(CECC)更名为系统与社会学院(CSS) ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics...
Willamette University College of Law School Overview The law school at Willamette University College of Law has an application deadline of Aug. 1. The full-time program application fee at the law school at Willamette University College of Law is $0. Its tuition is full-time: $50,944. The ...
九、劳资关系学院(School of Labor and Employment Relations) 十、法学院(College of Law) 十一、文理学院(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) 十二、信息科学院(School of Information Sciences) 十三、传媒学院(College of Media) ...
The University of Oklahoma College of Law is an ABA-certified law school located on the University of Oklahoma campus in Norman, Oklahoma. Currently, the College of Law has an enrollment of 513 law students.The Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Garden located on the north part of the main campus in ...
1. 哈斯汀法学院 ...University of California)哈斯汀法学院(Hastings College of Law) J.D.学位,并拥有加州大学戴维斯分校(University of Californi... www.ldnews.cn|基于3个网页 2. 校方 校方(Hastings College of Law)依据其“来者不拒”政策(all- comers policy)[50]认定CLS的这项规定构成“歧视”,并...
休斯顿大学(University of Houston)曾在2016年起诉南德克萨斯法学院(South Texas College of Law),称其在寻求改名为“休斯顿法学院”(Houston College of Law)时侵犯了其商标权。最终双方和解,后者的名字改为“南德克萨斯法学院-休斯顿”,即South Texas College of Law Houston。
新闻与大众传播学院College of Journalism and Mass Communications 法学院College of Law 研究生申请 学位背景:要求中国学生从四年制正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位 GPA要求:无最低GPA分数要求,但一般而言建议本科GPA,尤其是高年级专业课的GPA不要低于3.0分 ...
ANU has consistentlyranked among the top universities nationally and globally, and it shows in the quality of its legal education. For lawyers-in-training, few schools can compete with the ANU College of Law: it is ranked fourth in Australia, and 24th in the world according to theQS World ...
● 法学院College of Law ● 大众传播学院College of Mass Communication ● 音乐学院College of Music ● 理学院College of Science ● 社会科学与哲学学院College of Social Sciences and Philosophy ● 考古学院School of Archaeology 博士 • 具有相关专业的硕士学位或同等学力; ...