The term "ivory tower" is used pejoratively to indicate the perceived isolation of universities from the communities, and to refer to the perceived impracticality of what academics do. I agree with the folk wisdom contained in the term "ivory tower". Academics are often cut offH Brock...
· 公平与团结的批判性研究 Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity · 荣格理论跨学科课程 Interdisciplinary Courses in Jungian Theory New College成立于 1962 年,是多伦多大学最年轻的学院之一,其名称由最初提议的“新国王学院 New King’s College”,后...
⊙ Master of Science(Environmental Science) ⊙ Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) 也可以继续攻读跟本科所学专业有关的科目如生物科学、生物化学、化学、灾难风险和应变能力、地理和水资源管理等: ⊙ Master of Antarctic Studies ⊙ Master of Disaster Risk and Resilience ...
乔布斯跟随“心的指引”去学习了Serif与San Serif字体,学习字间距的变换、活版印刷的美好。他认为,这是...
申请大西洋学院的学生在专业方向选择上,最受欢迎的专业方向有Multi/interdisciplinary studies。 大西洋学院83%的本科学生在入学后第二年选择继续在本校继续就读,学校亦有与企业的合作教育计划。 毕业升学情况 大西洋学院本科生的毕业升学率达到了48%,毕业后继续攻读硕士或博士学位的学生中40%选择了文理学院,4%选择了...
College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies 社会科学与跨学科研究学院 www.wefedu.com 2. COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY 社会科学和哲学学院 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Dean, College of Social Sciences and Economy, Wuhan Science and Technology University 武汉科技大学文法与经济学院院长 ...
一个你考过,才能作为这个major 的人进入senior year 写thesis 的exam),我还没考,但interdisciplinary...
Based on the global informaigation on the requivement of talents quality,this paper analyged the necessity and feasibility on building college liberal arts interdisciplinary experimental teaching centers.Combining with Lanzhou University liberal arts laboratory building practice,the paper introduced the speci...