College of Engineering(工程学院) College of Fine Arts(艺术学院) Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences(迪特里希人文社会科学学院) Information Systems(信息系统) Mellon College of Science(自然科学学院) School of Computer Science(计算机科学学院) Tepper School of Business(泰珀商学院) 其中,该校...
The Information Networking Institute (INI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) educates and develops engineers through technical, interdisciplinary master’s degree programs in information networking, security and mobility that incorporate business and p
College of Engineering Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Heinz College’s Information Systems program Mellon College of Science Tepper School of Business Test-Flexible考试政策是指学生必须提交考试成绩才能完成申请,但他们可以选择提交哪种类型的考试。可接受的考试包括 SAT、ACT、International Bacc...
在这样小而美的教育氛围下,大部分的CS毕业生会考虑继续深造,并被Top 15的计算机研究院校录取,比如斯坦福、MIT、CMU等。 最后放一段Swarthmore CS专业官网的话,它很好地解释了为什么你应该来文理学院学CS:The study of computer science in a liberal arts environment helps students hone their skills in problem sol...
卡内基梅隆大学工程学院信息网络研究所 | 2024年最新申请动态 | CMU INI College of Engineering 学校介绍 建立于1900年的卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)是一所私立的全球研究型大学,也是世界上最著名的教育机构之一。它坐落在美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡。在2023年USnews全美大学排第22名,2024年QS世界大学...
CMU最新标化政策 卡耐基梅隆大学在官网公布了2026年秋季入学的标准化考试政策,明确表示将根据申请者选择的本科学院或课程实施差异化的标准化考试要求。 早在今年4月的时候,卡耐基梅隆大学就宣布在2025Fall申请季采取“标化可选”政策,取消所有一年级申请者的SAT/ACT标准化考试要求。
UIUC的工程学院全称为 The Grainger College of Engineering 学院官网地址:
Carnegie Mellon University – College of Engineering Carnegie Mellon University – Heinz College of IS & Public Policy (Including CMU Australia) Carnegie Mellon University – Integrated Innovation Institute Carnegie Mellon University Masters in Computational Finance ...
Students in the BS and MS programs may add the Computer Graphics and Game Design (CGGD) specialization, housed in the College of Engineering. Course examples for the CGDD include Computer Game and Animation Techniques; Virtual Reality; Advanced Computer Graphics; Geometric Mode...
especially if you're into engineering or tech-related fields. The campus has a really cool vibe—it's surrounded by nature, so you’re never far from a hike or some outdoor fun. The professors are pretty passionate about what they teach, and there’s a strong sense of community with st...