College of Charleston Charleston, SC Academic Highlights: Undergrads can choose from 67 majors, 81 minors, and 4 certificates across seven schools: the School of the Arts, the School of Business, the School of Education, the School of Health Sciences, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences...
The College of Charleston in South Carolina, for instance, charges $25 to all students who apply for graduation – regardless of whether they plan to participate in the commencement ceremony. And students who are late with the application pay an additional $25. "Be on time for t...
The Graduate School of the University of Charleston, S.C. capitalizes on the clear strengths of its faculty and facilities while focusing on the professional needs of the Charleston community. The master's degree programs and graduate-level certificate programs prepare students to fill importan...
A chance connection with a Wofford alumna has led to a dream internship for Marlee Bland '25, a finance major from Charleston, South Carolina. Bland is spending her second summer at Sea Fox Boat Company, based in Charleston, honing her skills under the guidance of Tanner Renken '19, directo...
College of Charleston Public $33,096 $56,976 Columbia College Private $35,900 $35,900 Columbia International University Private $43,450 $43,450 Converse University Private $41,170 $41,170 Erskine College Private $55,360 $55,360 Francis Marion University Public $25,490 $35,874 Furman Univers...
Massachusetts is home to eight of the safest college towns in America. The #1 safest college town is in Massachusetts.
Deadline: March 4Eligibility: Graduating North and South Carolina seniors of color who are planning to pursue a degree in engineering, computer science, the sciences, accounting, finance, or business administration full-time at a North or South Carolina college ...
Life insurance isn’t designed to be a college savings vehicle, per se. Its primary function is to help people leave a financial safety net behind for their loved ones should the worst happen. Life insurance beneficiaries can use the death benefit from a policy to cover a wide range of cos...
Frank VanderSloot isn't just rich; he's experienced in the political sector, too. The founder of Melaleuca, which calls itself the “largest online shopping club,” VanderSloot was a national finance co-chair for both of Republican Mitt Romney's presidential bids. ...
and in 1831 became associated with William Gibbs MeNeill in the construction of the Paterson and Hudson River railroad. In 1837 he was appointed senior assistant on the building of the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston railroad, and in 1846 became chief engineer of the Boston water-works, ...