首先, NUSC的学生可以享受到原来两个学院全部的教师和设施等其他资源,所以说NUSC的国际生可以拥有四年在campus住宿的福利。 其次,只要是NUSC内部开设的major和minor,大家都是可以相互transfer的哦~ 同时,对于SEP和NOC,NUSC有自己的green lane去申请!大大的提高了申请成功的概率。在IEX和GEX的活动中,NUSC会提供给...
A broad major allows you to choose an array of electives, or optional classes, while the major with a narrower focus often allows fewer choices in courses. Choosing a Minor A college minor may be optional and requires fewer courses than your major. Whereas a major will often require ...
如果同时修2个major,或1个major+1个minor,甚至多个major,则实际毕业时间可能更长。比如,我有同学从Engineering转学到Rotman Commerce修了精算和会计两个专业,总共花了5年时间毕业。 加拿大学院以Graduate和Diploma课程为主,通常1-2年毕业,个别3年。而在College读本科也是要3-4年才能毕业的。 二、开学时间 大部分...
Department与我们的在大一以后选择的专业息息相关,一般来说department里会有specialist, major 和minor。例如Mathematics & Its Application in Economics and Finance specialist就是属于Department of Mathematics的。 College College可以指大学,也可以指学院,有时候也指专科学校。一般来说,它是university (综合性大学)的一...
8. Include college degree, postgraduate degree and major and minor courses you took that help qualify you___ the job. 9. Send your resume along with a cover letter to a specific person in the company___ contact information can be found in the b advertisement. 相关知识点: 试题...
What Is a College Minor? A college major refers to structured coursework that students take within a chosen primary field of study. The number of classes may vary by major and school, but typically students can expect to log upward of 30 credit hours. By contrast, minors generally require 18...
Minors are areas of college study that allow students to dive deeper into a certain discipline and possibly complement their major. For example, a student pursuing an international relations major may want to minor in a foreign language. Minors also provide students with the chance to explore and...
What a Minor Is and Why It May (or May Not) Matter Koh says it’s important to understand whatmajorsyour student is eligible to study at each university. “Many universities restrict students' ability to freely major in certain subjects because of limited availability. If your ch...
College minors are not required by most colleges; however, they can complement your major or allow you to explore a particular subject in depth.