Synonyms of college 1 a : an independent institution of higher learning offering a course of general studies leading to a bachelor's degree a liberal arts college also : a university division offering this b : a part of a university offering a specialized group of courses the ...
The meaning of COLLEGE is an independent institution of higher learning offering a course of general studies leading to a bachelor's degree; also : a university division offering this. How to use college in a sentence.
Katharine Lee, a junior at West High, participates in the school’s intensive Academic Decathlon program. When the competition season approaches, she must stay after school every day for five hours,
The PSAT: Why It Matters and Why You Should Prep for It July 31, 2013taggedPSAT/test prepbyCollegePrepExpress The PSAT is an exam intended for college-bound students to take in the fall of their junior year. It’s just over half the length of the SAT (2 hr. 10 min., vs. 3 hr...
Junior College A junior college is an institution that focuses on providing vocational training for technical and supporting roles in fields like healthcare, engineering, and business administration. These programs can take between one and three years to complete and students are usually granted an ...
Community & Junior College LibrariesBower, R.J. ( 2000 ), “ The development of an online library instruction tutorial at Pellissippi State Technical Community College ”, Community and Junior College Libraries , Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 15 ‐ 24 . [] []...
Is there generation gap between your parents and you?; ;College Years vs. Seasons;Freshman: Spring;Sophomore: Summer;Junior: Autumn;Senior: Winter;大一 《彷徨》 大二 《呐喊》大三 《伤势》大四 《朝花夕拾》;Part 2 Background Information;Part II Background Information ;He loves to help children...
However, the term junior college has evolved to describe private two-year institutions, whereas the term community college has evolved to describe publicly funded two-year institutions. The name derives from the fact that community colleges primarily attract and accept students from the local community...
Leaders must balance how they exert their power or mandate and how they use this power to engender trust among junior employees. This can be achieved by taking into account the following approaches to leadership. First, a leader must encourage open communication within their organization, which goe...
It is the season of affection.,Junior: Autumn,Its the season for you to enjoy what you have achieved. Autumn is a season of harvest .,Senior: Winter,Winter is the harshest season of the four, which presents so many difficulties and hardships. So winter is the season of ch 8、ange. ...