1)馆长在此要提醒大家一点的是,虽然统称为学费,但其中可能包含不同的项目收费。 一般来说,主要包括基本学费,也就是大家常说的 tuition,此外还有各种费用,就是 fees,如 college fee、student service fee、health insurance fee 等等,所有项目加在一起才是总学费。 2)另外,公立学校的 tuition 一般有两类收费标准:...
1)馆长在此要提醒大家一点的是,虽然统称为学费,但其中可能包含不同的项目收费。 一般来说,主要包括基本学费,也就是大家常说的tuition,此外还有各种费用,就是 fees,如 college fee、student service fee、health insurance fee 等等,所有项目加在一起才是总学费。 2)另外,公立学校的 tuition 一般有两类收费标准: ...
1)馆长在此要提醒大家一点的是,虽然统称为学费,但其中可能包含不同的项目收费。 一般来说,主要包括基本学费,也就是大家常说的 tuition,此外还有各种费用,就是 fees,如 college fee、student service fee、health insurance fee 等等,...
1)在此要提醒大家一点的是,虽然统称为学费,但其中可能包含不同的项目收费。 一般来说,主要包括基本学费,也就是大家常说的 tuition,此外还有各种费用,就是 fees,如 college fee、student service fee、health insurance fee 等等,所有项目加在一起才是总学费。 2)另外,公立学校的 tuition 一般有两类收费标准: 一...
报告中的“学费”包含多种项目收费,除了基本的学费(tuition),还包括各类费用(fees),如college fee、student service fee、health insurance fee等,所有费用加总才是总学费。公立学校的学费分为两种:针对学校所在州居民的学费(in-state 或resident tuition)和非该州居民的学费(out-of-state 或 ...
health insurance plan if they are still covered. generally, students can be covered up until the age of 26." environmental fees some colleges charge an environmental services fee to cover sustainability initiatives on campus, like recycling. the cost is usually minimal. the university of...
While fee structures and costs may not be identical across majors, there are mandatory fees that typically apply to all students. Here are the common fees you can expect at your US university or college: Orientation fees: These are fees for yourorientationprogram and are usually only charged du...
Do Students in the U.S. Get Health Insurance? Students in the U.S. may be automatically enrolled in their college health insurance plan, depending on the institution and state where the college or university is located. However, there is a quarterly or semester-based fee for this insurance....
Campus Center Use Fee:$2.00(每个学期、每个校区) Student Representation Fee:$2.00(每个学期、每个校区) Health Fee:$18(秋季春季学期),$15(夏季学期) Capital Outlay Fee:$7/每个学分 International Health Insurance Fee:目前的费用是$130每个月(春季学期保险$910 & 秋季学期保险$650) ...
国际留学生费(Inter national Fee,下称“学费”)是我们缴费的大头。每学期必须要交给学校的有“注册费”和“学费”。例如LaSalle,注册费900刀,学费六千刀(会计);再如Dawson,注册费一百六,学费近八千刀(工程)。魁北克学生入学仅需缴纳注册费即可,国际留学生两项都得交,这就是费用的大致情况(魁省的教育经费主要...