Ever since ESPN's "College GameDay" preview show premiered for Notre Dame-Florida State in 1993, the pre-game show has traveled around the country at the top games each week. Find the complete rundown of every location below, most appearances and most times hos...
Ever since ESPN's "College GameDay" preview show premiered for Notre Dame-Florida State in 1993, the pre-game show has traveled around the country at the top games each week. Find the complete rundown of every location below, most appearances and most times hosting, plus the eventual...
Rece Davis, Pete Thamel and Stanford Steve, who all appear on the "College GameDay" broadcast show, look at Week 9 weekend matchups, give their thoughts on what they think is important to know going into those games, then pick the teams they think will come out on top. Tune in to fin...
College GameDay week 9 Football analyst Desmond Howard joins us this morning as the Hoosiers are preparing to take on the Huskies. October 26, 2024 Additional Live Streams Live ABC News Live Live GOP leaders hold news conference following conference meeting Live Senate Judiciary hearing on cons...
The guest picker for Week 7 is actress Katilin Olson, who is an Oregon alum. She's most known for being a star of the television showIt's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. When isCollege GameDay? College GameDayairs weekly at 9 a.m. ET on ESPN. Students and fans line up hours before...
College GameDayairs weekly at 9 a.m. ET on ESPN. Students and fans line up hours before to get the best spot possible behind the set of the popular college football pregame show. The show runs until noon ET when the first college football games kick off across the country. ...
Week 15 location "College GameDay Built by The Home Depot" heads to Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts, on Saturday as theArmy Black Knightstake on theNavy Midshipmen. Hosted by Rece Davis and featuring Lee Corso, Kirk Herbstreit, Desmond Howard, Pat McAfee, Pete Thamel and reporters...
“College GameDay will be at College Station next week,” he declared Saturday. GameDay’sLee Corso was missing from Saturday’s debutin Dublin, Ireland. Willhe be on the panel in College Station? The game will be a reunion of sorts for new Aggies coach Mike Elko and his former quarterba...
ESPN College Gameday is coming to the University of Minnesota this week as they will open up their Big10 schedule against the Michigan Wolverines. Fans will be joining the show virtually as the COVID-19 pandemic is still causing attendance restrictions, but all the hosts except Lee Corso will...
ESPN College Gameday is coming to the University of Minnesota this week as they will open up their Big10 schedule against the Michigan Wolverines. Fans will be joining the show virtually as the COVID-19 pandemic is still causing attendance restrictions, but all the hosts except Lee Corso will...