in their area of expertise. When you learn to teach, lead and defend the faith it is from professors, pastors and teachers who are experts in their field and who are out there doing it. You get the best on Theology, Counseling, Apologetics, Teaching, Leading, Ministry and so much more...
Christian Studies, Church Ministry, Intercultural Studies, Ministry to Women, Music, Psychology and Counseling, Teaching and Learning, Theology, Worldview and Apologetics, and Worship Ministry. All BA degrees with the exception of the BAs in Christian Studies or Music can be utilized for the BA +...
pre-seminary and world missions. Through the department of Education minors were available in children's, youth, and counseling ministries as well as church music and music education for Christian schools. A department of arts and sciences offered minors in apologetics, biology, English and history...
He was a student in the UK at the time, and while attending an Easter conference for Chinese Christian students, he vowed in front of 200 people that he would undertake the study within five years. When he came back to Hong Kong, he took courses at Alliance Bible Seminary as an auditor...
Cults and Comparative Religions * Cults and Comparative Religions Practical Christian Ministry * Apologetics * Systematic Theology III – Anthropology and Soteriology * Systematic Theology IV – Eschatology, prophecy overview * Our Two-year plans (General Ministry & Shepherd School) include many of the ...
You can also expand your knowledge of practical theology, such as Christian Worship, Pastoral Care, and Mission, Evangelism and Apologetics. You can see which subjects are being offered in the new semester here. How long does it take? You can study the programme on a fulltime, half-time ...
Calvary College and Calvary Chapel University (CCU) have formed a partnership that provides the opportunity for individuals to take their life’s purpose to a whole new level with a degree in biblical studies. This combination of online and on-site classes trains students to study the Bible acad...