When evaluating any type of college, "students should consider the college’s retention and graduation rates, financial aid and net price, do the programs and majors offered fit with the student’s post-college plans, are they accredited, and other metrics," Gurnett says. Assess your goa...
One-year retention rates 100 75 50 25 0 100 75 50 25 0 New student retention rate (2022-2023) New student retention rate (2021-2022) New student retention rate (2020-2021) New student retention rate (2019-2020) Graduation Total program graduates (2023-2024) 149 Credits needed to gradua...
The impact of attending an Ivy League school lasts long after graduation. Because of the substantial social and political clout associated with attending these schools, students may find that having an Ivy League university on their résumé opens doors to impressive jobs, internships, resear...
Community college graduation rates may appear to be in dire straits, but what are the real numbers? Could it be that the “successful” students who transfer to four-year universities are considered community college “drop outs” statistically?
This report presents a review of eight high schools that have embraced the community school approach and are showing results in student success that include reduction of dropout rates, increase in college acceptance, and more. The report also finds that community schools strengths lie in their ...
that black student graduation rates are damaged by race-sensitive admissions. It is critical to review the statistics to see if this is true. In this report we emphasize the graduation rates of black students at the nation's highest-ranked colleges and universities. The reason is that almost ...
This paper estimates the effects of statewide affirmative action bans on graduation rates within colleges and on the fraction of college entrants who become graduates of selective institutions. On net, affirmative action bans lead to fewer underrepresented minorities becoming graduates of selective colleges...
The Capital One Quicksilver Student Cash Rewards Credit Card gets high marks for cards in its class, thanks to its $0 annual fee and its no-fuss rewards rate: 1.5% cash back on all purchases (see rates and fees). That's as good a combo as you'd find on even a lot of non-student...
Well, in SB 1401, much of the compensation still would be related to academics. The bill states a noble goal of improving graduation rates for Black athletes in football and men’s and women’s basketball — the only three sports where players currently don’t receive more than 50% of rev...