Expectations: You have breakfast, lunch and dinner at normal times. You snack lightly when you’re hungry, not when you’re bored. You go grocery shopping every Sunday to buy the freshest ingredients to make nice balanced meals for the week. Reality: You wake up late to class and miss br...
have lied about our personalities. Like those “Expectationsvs.Reality” moments we always encounter‚ the appearance of people are not the same as thereality. Never has this been more evident than in Shakespeare’s playwright Hamlet portrayed through several characters. Hamlet is a play solely ...
In my former expectations ,we may have four roommates to share our dormitory every room and the electricity won’t be cut off after 23:00.But the reality is just opposite .In addition ,the number of our cafeteria is more than what I expected. Of course ,there must be something out of...
Unit7 college life大学英语课件 Unit7CollegeLife 化学与环境工程学院06化学 Preparation 1.Talkingaboutyourcollegelife–expectationsvsreality.Sample:1)campus:Expectations–largeandbeautifulcampuswithgreengrasseverywhereandalargesportsground.Reality–justaswhatIdreamof-alargecampuswithmagnificentmodernbuildings,greentrees...
Student needs, college expectations, and “reality” perceptions. Journal of Educational Research 65:51–56Herr, E. L. (1971). Student needs, college expectations, and "reality" perceptions. The Journal of Educational Research, 51-56.Herr, E. L. (1971). Student needs, college expectations, ...
Before entering college, I had high expectations. I imagined vibrant classrooms filled with passionate discussions, diverse extracurricular activities, and endless opportunities for personal growth. I anticipated meeting like-minded friends and forming lifelong connections. Reality, however, has its own pace...
UnitEight CollegeLife h 1 Overallplans ListenandTalk ●Question-askingafterlisteningtoasong●Talkaboutyourcollegelife—expectationsvs.reality●ListenandRespond(onpage242)ReadandExplore TextASecretsofstraight-Astudents●Globalreading●detailedreading●Afterreading Assignment ●StudytextBonyourown.●Finishtheexercises...
2.Talking about Your College Life—Expectationsvs Reality Sample: 1) Campus: Expectations—large and beautiful campus with green grass everywhere and a large sports ground, where you can always see students busy and full of vitality. Reality—Just as what I dreamed of – a huge campus with ma...
; 2) the similarities and differences between your expectations and the reality. Guidelines 1) Campus: 2) Classroom buildings: 3) Dormitories: 4) Students’ cafeterias: 5) Library: 6) Classmates: 7) Teachers: expectations Reality Large beautiful As what dreamed new classrooms with modern ...