After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool, where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other...
The College of Charleston has 3 essays. The first is an optional why this college question that we highly encourage you to fill out to show your interest to the admissions. The second is only for students with extenuating circumstances, so only fill that out if that applies to you. The ...
This essay does an excellent job of addressing two aspects of this student’s identity. Looking at diversity through sound is a very creative way to descriptively depict their Indian and Texan cultures. Essays are always more successful when they stimulate the senses, so framing the entire ...
The Diversity Essay is also somewhat similar to the Extracurricular and Community Service Essays, but it focuses more on what you might bring to the campus community because of your unique experiences or identities. Learn more about how to write the Diversity Essay in our guide. A Story of a...
This research is significant, therefore, because it provides a detailed account of theprocess of writing identity essays utilising K-culture media literacy, and the process of seeking a method of communication for critical awareness of social structures and action in a community through virtual office...
Mount Holyoke receives thousands of applications from academically strong students, so your essays are a great opportunity to stand out by showing what you have to offer beyond the numbers.In this post, we’ll discuss how to craft an engaging response to each of these three options....
You can also write about something that illustrates an aspect of yourbackgroundor identity, or a time you demonstrated leadership. These types of essays typically stand out to admissions officers, experts say. It's most important to write a thoughtful essay that tells a story that gives insight...
Though all essays should be genuine, authenticity is particularly important here, as you talk about your own identity and how you’ll show up on Endicott’s campus. Specificity is important, too – ideally, this essay should read as though only you could have written it. If you don’t ...
This is ostensibly an essay about love of travel and languages. But as with all effective college essays, there’s other stuff the essay is really about—the values of the writer. When trying to identify the values in your essay, or the essays of others, ask yourself this question: why ...
It is pretty easy to resort to clichés in college essays. This should be actively avoided! CollegeVine has identified the immigrant’s journey, sports injuries, and overcoming a challenging course as cliché topics. If you write about one of these topics, you have to work harder to stand out...