Here’s an example “Why Major” essay written for CMU. Though the focus here is math + data science rather than engineering, it nicely illustrates the approach you’ll want to take for Cornell. Example: It was while solving Towers of Hanoi that I really fell in love with abstract math....
但是学校位置偏僻,所以在就业方面和CMU,哥大这些学校的career fair差距还是挺大的,虽然会有Google、Face...
我印象最深的是carolyn gordon老师上的complex analysis(复数分析)。gordon老师是个非常可爱的老太太,在...
但是学校位置偏僻,所以在就业方面和CMU,哥大这些学校的career fair差距还是挺大的,虽然会有Google、Face...