"But not everyone is going to be a college graduate. "Assessing the value of a college education is particularly difficult because it's impossible to know what would have happened had people made different choices. If Steve Jobs had chosen to finish college, for example, he probably still ...
Life expectancy with healthy cognition increased for people with more education between 2000 and 2010. The lifespan with good cognition of men and women 65 and over who had graduated from college increased by an average of 1.51 years and 1.79 years respectively. The increase in lifespan with go...
Clearly going to college is important.You can earn an education in the area that you are most passionate about. 1 Going to college gives you a higher chance of having a job and economic stability and a healthier and happier life. Getting that college degree can really set you up for a ...
The impact on mortality is found to be larger than those estimated from the health microsimulation model (hazard ratio of 0.216 compared with 0.6 in the simulation model), which suggests substantial returns to college education in terms of healthy life extension which we estimate to be ...
Our understanding about the relationship between education and lifetime earnings often neglects differences by field of study. Utilizing data that matches respondents in the Survey of Income and Program Participation to their longitudinal earnings records based on administrative tax information, we investiga...
Too Long; Didn't ReadIf you choose to pursue a college education, choose topics you are interested in and ones that provide you with multiple career paths.1x Read by Dr. One Listen to this storySociety expects an 18-year-old to make one of the most important decisions in their life ...
good about themselves. It is known for a fact that getting regular exercise and staying engaged with friends can enhance life expectancy. I want to be an excellent advice giver and help people in similar situations that I have been through. A small percentage of the time, we experience ...
Empirical Analysis on Factors Impacting Mobile Learning Acceptance in Higher Engineering Education Owing to technological advancements and decreasing costs of mobile devices and services, there is a significant change in learning environment that demands for mobility. Such change has enabled a new way of...
Education after high school helps you live a longer and happier life. Studies show that education is one the best indicators of increased life expectancy. Get Started College offers even more benefits, from meeting new people and building confidence to improving your decision-making skills and makin...
The expectancy-value motivation theory postulates that motivation can be achieved when perceived values in an activity override perceived cost of the activity derived from the effort of achieving. This study was designed to examine types of perceived cost in physical education and the extent to which...