Recent decades have brought agreement that higher education is, if not a cure, then at least a protection against underemployment and the inequality it engenders. In 2012, President Barack Obama called a college degree an “economic impe...
collegehigher educationearningscollege premiumprobabilityIn this paper, we estimate the likelihood that workers without a college degree will earn more than those who completed higher education. The resulting figuresSocial Science Electronic Publishing
It’s time to acknowledge the college degree is not worth what it was in the past.”— Dale Archer 99. “Just because I don’t have a college degree doesn’t mean I am not smart!”— Emma Stone 100. “The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a...
Yet,without a college degree,the economic obstacles are even worse. 然而,若无大学文凭,他们面临的经济困难会更大。 第十三段 Again,this is a labor problem in our society,not,as pundits will be telling you,the fault of a college education that does not "prepare"you for the labor market. 这...
A: True that, im very agree with u, it is now really hard to get a good job without a university degree, people might live a good life without a degree, but there is only a few of them.B: yes, all in one, most people will need to degree which can make a big ...
The gap between the earnings of students with a college degree and those without one is bigger than ever. 1186 Words 5 Pages Better Essays Read More Is College Worth It? Not too many years ago, even high school was considered un-useful, but as todays economy continues to go up, the ...
Although most Americans surveyed by Pew feel doubtful about the value of a college degree, an overwhelming majority of parents Pew surveyed still expect their children to go to college. “It can be inferred that the increased doubt has not significantly influenced decision making.” Pew’s Taylor...
and it could grow to $1 trillion by the end of this year. While college-educated people do stand a better chance of landing a job than those who don’t go to secondary school, the time it takes to pay back the money laid out for a degree is growing, causing many to question the ...
If you’ve made it this far, you know that all degrees are not created equally. If you go to a quality school and earn a business, engineering, or computer science degree, you will beat the market. And, if you work hard and do well, your income will continue to increase. A college...
A. If the intellectual worth of a college degree can be accurately measured, more people will seek higher education-and come out better thinkers. B. Two years before, a nationwide study of college graduates had shown that more than a third had made no significant gains in such mental abili...