abachelor degree in the college of arts and humanities 学士学位在艺术和人文学科学院[translate]
Bachelor of Arts - Child and Youth Care 文学学士 - 儿童和青少年护理 学士学位(Bachelor’s Degree),4年制,包括实习 学费:19,101加元/年 申请要求: 1. 最低教育水平要求:高中/中专毕业 2. GPA: 最低60% 3. 英语语言要求:雅思: 6.5;托福: 83 College Diploma - Early Childhood Education 本科文凭 -...
Centennial跟多个大学有LAT(Liberty Arts Program)合作项目。比如,和多伦多大学士嘉堡分校(UTSC)就有LAT,学生在Centennial读完两年的Diploma之后,满足一定条件可以转到UTSC继续完成学习,在第五年毕业时可以获得多大毕业证书。 这个项目也仅限于...
AAA (Associate of Applied Arts) — Deals with applied arts only. What can you do with an associate degree? Once you’ve earned your associate degree, you can either continue your studies by applying to a bachelor's degree program (for which your associate degree will count towards, in most...
BA是Bachelor of Arts文学学士 BS是Bachelor of Science 理学士 这取决于你的专业是什么 像语言类的一般都是文学学士,理工科的一般都是理学士。
Bachelor Degree: 四年制本科学士课程 -Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology Post-Degree Diploma: 一年制研究生文凭 -Financial Analysis -Financial Planning -Hospitality Marketing -Hospitality Management -Project Management -Marketing -Supply...
3、Bachelor Degree 4、Certificate 院校推荐 一、安省院校推荐 1、谢尔丹学院 Sheridan College 2、圣力嘉...
3、Bachelor Degree College也有学士学位!你是不是没有想到呢?其实学士学位在加拿大的college里非常普遍,而且有不少专业都是与附近的university一起联合授课,可以享受大学的师资与设施,最后毕业能够获得university和college联合授予的学士学位文凭。 图片来源于网络 ...
Average length of time to earn:4 years Number of credits required:120 credit hours Bachelor’s degree types Common types of bachelor’s degrees are: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) ...
Commonly known as the bachelor's degree, the baccalaureate is the basic four-year college degree; this is usually a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. A bachelor's degree program offers a broad education in the arts or sciences. In addition, students select a major field of...