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classes, and student-faculty ratios, don’t base your college search decisions on this generalization. Many public schools offer a personal, student-centered environment that’s comparable to smaller private colleges. You can find public colleges with tight-knit liberal arts programs and private...
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Use our search filters to narrow down your options based on location, offered majors, tuition, and more! Save & Connect Once you find schools that match your interests, save them to your personal dashboard and directly connect with those schools to request more information or apply. ...
Dive into our expansive database of colleges, where you can discover schools you might not otherwise consider. Refine your search by the criteria that matter most to you, like location, GPA, interests, and more, to discover the perfect academic fit for your unique journey. ...
Use College Search to find the right college for you. Search over 4,300 colleges by location, major, type, and more.
华尔街日报爆料:美国大学理事会(College Board,简称CB)背后的“猫腻”让准备赴美留学的SAT考生们心急如焚! 据报道,CB将向纽约州检察长办公室支付75万美元的和解金,原因是他们被指控非法分享和出售通过考试收集的学生个人信息。 ▲图 | https://www.wsj.com/articles/for-sale-sat-takers-names-colleges-buy-stude...