College Board is a non-profit organization that clears a path for all students to own their future through the AP Program, SAT Suite, BigFuture, and more.
If you are in the midst of your college search journey, we can help you! Find out information about every college, including the 2,500 four-year universities and colleges and the 900 community colleges that span across all 50 states. ...
Use College Search to find the right college for you. Search over 3,000 colleges by location, major, type, and more.
Find the right college for you Search by college name About Us We’re a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success. Membership More than 6,000 member institutions and organizations drive the College Board’s mission. ...
网址 没有学生不上这个网站的!每个学生SATI,SATII的考试注册以及查分都会用到的网站,除了标化,College Board还提供College Search(学校搜索),筛选项目有:标化成绩、录取率、学校类型、地理位置、住宿条件、专业、运动和活动、学分情况、费用、多元化水平、学校服务系统,属于比较详尽的,可以fil...
I'm starting my college search and I'm trying to find some good safety schools in Iowa. I want to make sure I've got options close to home if my reach schools don't work out. Any recommendations from those who know Iowa schools well?
华尔街日报爆料:美国大学理事会(College Board,简称CB)背后的“猫腻”让准备赴美留学的SAT考生们心急如焚! 据报道,CB将向纽约州检察长办公室支付75万美元的和解金,原因是他们被指控非法分享和出售通过考试…
College search engine tool to help students find information about college admissions, college contact information, cost, location, campus life, available major and career options, and financial aid.
Search for colleges and universities. Access websites of over 3,000 colleges nationwide. Find financial aid to colleges nationwide. Apply to colleges nationwide. Get college fan and campus merchandise through Collegiate Guide.
Find the right college for you Search by college name About Us We’re a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success. Membership More than 6,000 member institutions and organizations drive the College Board’s mission. ...