不同的AP课程会对不同的专业学习有很好的助攻作用,而CollegeBoard在官网上也表明了这一点,而且,针对美国大学的不同专业,CB也列出了建议备考的科目。 如果你已经有了大概的专业方向和目标,并且希望在本科学习中学习更加顺利,那么这个表格能很好地帮助你选择AP课程。 CollegeBoard对于AP科目选择的建议 ▼ 专业名称(中英...
Physics 2: Algebra-Based 物理2(基于代数) Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 物理C:电磁学 Physics C: Mechanics 物理C:力学 如果你要排排序,规划一下哪个应该先考,哪个容易考到5分,那还真是一门新学问呢! 我们特别邀请了CollegeBoard认证的AP物理考官,来为你详解AP物理这四门学科的备考,及AP物理这四门学...
中国大陆AP考生中5分比率第二高的居然是AP Physics C Mechanics,即AP物理C力学。AP物理C力学大面积高分的原因一部分在于考察的知识点较少,相当于AP物理B的三分之一(2015年AP物理B将不复存在,改为AP物理1和AP物理2),并且实际对微积分的在力学中的运用考察并不多;另一部分因为中国考生在初中和高一对力学的学习...
Physics C: Mechanics Join Code:RY9DLY Thursday, 5/15/25 Computer Science Principles Join Code:YQQLMP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Join Code:RMP3LM Friday, 5/16/25 Physics 1: Algebra-Based Join Code:EXWNEM Psychology Join Code:X4XXGL *Prerequisite for the Computer Science Principles ...
Physics C: Mechanics4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through BluebookAllowedAllowed Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator Built-in Desmos graphing calculator through BluebookAllowedAllowed ...
AP PHYSICS 1 - College Board 下载积分:2000 内容提示: AP® PHYSICS 1BEGINNING 2014-15 ACADEMIC YEAR About the Advanced Placement Program ® (AP ® ) The Advanced Placement Program ® enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college-level studies — with the opportunity ...
2023年AP大考结束没多久,CollegeBoard官网就更新了2024年AP大考时间:考试将于5月6日-10日和5月13日-17日进行为期两周的考试。跟今年相比推迟了将近一周!终于不用在五一假期期间大考了~ 官方指出,考生在任何情况下,都不允许提前测试或在CollegeBoard公布的时间以外的时间进行测试。如果学生无法在5月的6日-17日...
Physics C: Mechanics Course PerspectiveHugh Henderson
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What we have in result usually ends up in four major sections of a case study that are: an introduction, body paragraphs where you talk about the problem, an explanation and presentation of your findings section, and the final conclusion where you state the results. The writing mechanics will...