The Difference Between AP English Language and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition Learn the similarities and differences between these two courses and exams. Go to College Board Blog See Where AP Can Take You AP English Language and Composition can lead to a wide range of ...
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
另外,CollegeBoard官方对人文社科、商科、医药、跨学科学习、公共社会服务及科技、工程与数学全领域内的多门专业也都给出了选课建议👇 此外,CB官方还列出了一些本身就很有价值,如果搭配在一起,效果会更好的AP课程——你在其中一门课程中...
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
College Board is a non-profit organization that clears a path for all students to own their future through the AP Program, SAT Suite, BigFuture, and more.
AP课程,全称是Advanced Placement,即美国大学先修课程,是由美国大学理事会(College Board)主持设计并在全球范围内推广的高中阶段授课的大学水平课程。这些课程旨在为成绩优秀、天资聪颖的高中生提供机会,让他们在高中时期就能提前接触并学习大学水平的课程内容。AP课程涵盖了多个学科领域,包括数学与计算机科学类、自然...
另外,CollegeBoard官方对人文社科、商科、医药、跨学科学习、公共社会服务及科技、工程与数学全领域内的多门专业也都给出了选课建议👇 此外,CB官方还列出了一些本身就很有价值,如果搭配在一起,效果会更好的AP课程——你在其中一门课程...
CollegeBoard官方发布丨AP考试各科成绩分布及解析.pdf,CollegeBoard 官方发布丨AP 考试各科成绩分布及解析 英语类只有两个科目的考试:英语语言和写作、英语文化和写作。 这两门考试都是非常难的。五分率很低,只有9.1% 和 6.8% 。 AP 英语项目提供了两门英语学习课程,每门