Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学 Peking University 北京大学 在我们认知范围内的国内大学,一般都称作university,大学里的院系叫做college,但是在欧美的教育体系中college的含义要比国内更多,某些专业性较强的大学他们也称作college。如果只是...
A university is an institution of higher education that offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Generally, universities are large – some enroll tens of thousands of students – and offer a wide variety of courses. Oftentimes, universities are comprised of multiple schools or colleges,...
University是一系列专业的综合院校。而college是一所专门学科的院校。通常,universities由几所colleges组成。 Just like the universe contains many schools, a university will usually also contain many schools. You can use the similarity between universe and university to remember the meaning of this word. 就...
这种公会在拉丁文中被称为“universitas magistrorum et scholarium”,意思是“community of masters and scholars”(专家学者社团),简称universitas,意思是“团体、集合体”,1228年在教皇颁布的敕令中首先使用。这就是英语单词university(大学)的来源。 由此可见,...
University是一系列专业的综合院校。而college是一所专门学科的院校。通常,universities由几所colleges组成。 Just like the universe contains many schools, a university will usually also contain many schools. You can use the similarity between universe and university to remember the meaning of this word. ...
美国综合大学(University )优势:University的规模一般都很大,通常拥有广泛多样的学科和专业,包括自然科学...
北美的college一般指提供本科学位(比如准学士学位或学士学位)的四年制大学。(社区学院通常是两年制高校)。College一般不提供硕士或博士学位,学生规模通常也没有university大。 Universities, on the other hand, tend to offer both undergraduate and graduate programs leading to advanced degrees for a larger group ...
这里只讨论国际生的费用,总的来说,读College还是比读University便宜的。加拿大大学本科学费多在18000-35000加币/年之间,而加拿大学院的学费大概在11000-18000加币/年,生活费因地而异。但是,一些学院的热门专业学费可能比大学的冷门专业学费还贵。Sheridan College的Advanced Television and Film学费就超过3万加币。很多...
帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)和伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)就是很好的例子。它们都是英国顶尖的教育机构,被广泛认可并享有声誉。 在英国,大学的档次不会因为名称是"university"还是"college"而有所不同或下降。它们的声望和质量主要取决于其教学和研究水平、学术声誉、...
University是一系列专业的综合院校。而college是一所专门学科的院校。通常,universities由几所colleges组成。 Just like the universe contains many schools, a university will usually also contain many schools. You can use the similarity [ˌsɪməˈlærəti] between universe and university to rem...