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This rich-media course will get you on board with the Rapid Learning System and teach you the college algebra chapter by chapter rapidly and visually, by our team of college math professors. Core Unit #1 – The Basics Tutorial 01:Introduction to College Algebra ...
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and that is a lot to handle. The best plan is to take the SAT in the winter when you have more time to dedicate to SAT preparation. A common argument is that you should wait to take the SAT until after you’ve completed algebra II, but the truth is, if you prep properly you’ll...
This is my middle boy’s first semester at#collegeand I bequeathed to him the math pencil as he packed for college. He may very well end up a math minor. I just got an update and he’s getting outstanding grades in math. Linear algebra final coming up on Tuesday. ...
When I began reporting this story, I confess I had to drop into Khan Academy’s online math classes to re-familiarize myself with what key concepts define algebra 2: polynomials, logarithms, exponential models. It’s been decades since I took high...
is, in fact, a much more “beatable” test than the SAT, especially when time is short. There are two bodies of material you need to know: math (key topics in Arithmetic, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and ~15% of Precalc/Trig) and 10 key grammar rules. Send us a text @ [...
As you begin the college admissions process, you’ve probably already realized that it is highly competitive. How are you supposed to make yourself stand out from all the other students looking to enter your dream college? Unfortunately, you may be influenced by common misconceptions about the co...