Algebra and Trigonometry Sinclair Community CollegeCengage learning. For sinclair community college algebra, trigonometry class. for MAT 1580, MAT 1570, MAT 1470.james stewartLothar RedlinSaleem Watson
College Algebra: Concepts and ContextsReinforces student understanding with detailed explanations, worked-out examples, and practice problems. Lists key ideas to master and builds problem-solving skills. There is a section in the Study Guide corresponding to each section in the text.James Stewart...
Reinforces student understanding with detailed explanations, worked-out examples, and practice problems. Lists key ideas to master and builds problem-solving skills. There is a section in the Study Guide corresponding to each section in the text.James Stewart...
The student solutions manual provides worked-out solutions to all of the odd-numbered problems in the text. It also offers hints and additional problems for practice, similar to those in the text.James StewartLothar RedlinSaleem Watson