With 20 titles under her name, it may seem daunting to decide on which Colleen Hoover book you should read first. But don’t worry, we got you covered. We went through her body of work and came up with this guide to help you determine which books you should add to your “To Be Re...
“网红作家”科琳·胡佛或是2022年全球最畅销的作家 《出版人周刊》(Publishers Weekly)近日报道了2022年图书畅销榜单,科琳·胡佛(Colleen Hoover)或许是2022年全球最畅销的作家,她在本年度卖出了超过1400万本图书。短视频网站已经成了图书世界一股持续而强大的力量,催生了市场上一些畅销作品。以出版社和作家为故...