A good rule of thumb for using collective nouns in American English is to err on the side of treating them as singular. In other words, unless there’s a compelling argument for making them plural—as in the examples in the preceding section, in which the emphasis is on the individual me...
1.Please illustrate with two examples the use of collective nouns that could be singular orplural forms.ANSWERExample 1: My family is a large one.Example 2: My family are all workers.2.Could you expiain the subjective-verb agreement for the existential sentence?
We often use singular nouns that refer to groups of people (for example: team, government, committee) as if they were plural. This is because we often think of the group as people, doing things that people do (eating, wanting, feeling etc). In such cases, we use a plural verb. (We...
Collective nouns, or group nouns, representa number of things or people together. Some of them can be both singular or plural - both are correct and the choice is up to the speaker.For example: Government,Family,Team. 集体名词或集合名词表示许多...
Are Collective Nouns Singular or Plural? Question A herd of cattle is or are?— Suchita, NepalAnswer A collective noun is a word that describes a group of people, things, animals, etc. Below are some collective nouns (shown in boldface): a herd of sheep a choir of children singing a ...
In the following examples, the collective noun or nouns are listed in italics. "Thefamilyis one of nature's masterpieces." "Nouns such ascommittee, family, government, jury, andsquadtake a singular verb orpronounwhen thought of as a single unit, but a plural verb or pronoun when thought ...
Collective nounsare often calledgroup nouns. That is because they represent a number of things together. Examples are:government,familyandteam. So, what's the big deal? The special thing about these collective nouns is that they can...
You do not always need to have 'of...' after the collective noun; we also talk about a family, a jury, a team, an audience or a congregation. In terms of subject-verb agreement, most collective nouns can be treated as singular or plural so we can use a singular verb or a plural...
A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people, animals, or things. Some common collective nouns include: Team Family Staff Collective nouns are always expressed as a singular noun. Singular nouns don’t have a plural form. For example, “cat” is a singular noun (referring...
A few examples of collective nouns are: A gaggle of geese A troop of monkeys A band of musicians A crew A family How do you explain collective nouns? Collective nouns describe a group of people, animals, or things as one unit. They can be used in a singular or plural form, ...