List of Nouns – Compound Noun Examples 名词列表-复合名词的例子 Airline 航空公司;航线Airport 机场;航空站Aircraft 飞机,航空器Armchair 扶手椅 足不出户的Boyfriend 男朋友,情郎Battlefield 战场;沙场Briefcase 公文包Butterfly 蝴蝶;蝶泳;举止轻浮的人;追求享乐的人Countdown 倒数计秒Comeback 恢复,复出;再度流行...
A few examples of collective nouns are: A gaggle of geese A troop of monkeys A band of musicians A crew A family How do you explain collective nouns? Collective nouns describe a group of people, animals, or things as one unit. They can be used in a singular or plural form, ...
Collective Nouns: Learn all about what is a collective noun, the definition of a collective noun and how collective nouns are used in sentences in this article.
In this reference, you'll find a lot of great animal collectivenoun examplesto improve your own vocabulary. Let's get started! Comprehensive List of Collective Nouns for Animals Here is handy animal collectivenouns listfor your reference! Collective Nouns for Birds A flock of birds A flight of...
A good rule of thumb for using collective nouns in American English is to err on the side of treating them as singular. In other words, unless there’s a compelling argument for making them plural—as in the examples in the preceding section, in which the emphasis is on the individual me...
Collective nouns are words used to define a group of two or more objects. Some examples are: A school of fish A swarm of bees An audience of listeners A bouquet of flowers A deck of cards A bunch of bananas A forest of trees A galaxy of stars A colony of bats A litter of ...
Examples of Collective Nouns Collective Nouns List List of Collective Nouns for Animals, People and Things 46.2k SHARES In this reference, you will learn about the importance and usage of collective nouns in the English language. Collective nouns help in referring to a group of people, animals,...
In the following examples, the collective noun or nouns are listed in italics. "Thefamilyis one of nature's masterpieces." "Nouns such ascommittee, family, government, jury, andsquadtake a singular verb orpronounwhen thought of as a single unit, but a plural verb or pronoun when thought ...
Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things. Words like group, herd, and array are collective noun examples. Here, we’ll take a closer look at collective nouns, and provide even more examples, placing them in context so you can gain a greater understanding...
Collective nouns for hay are terms used to describe a collection or group of hay, often used in the context of agriculture or farming. These nouns are creative ways to express the presence or amount of hay in a specific setting or situation. Here are a few examples of collective nouns for...