one option is to turn the collective noun into a more straightforward plural by adding “members of” or similar. Compare the two examples below. In the first, the collective nounjuryis the subject. In the second, the plural nounmembershas become the...
In the following examples, the collective noun or nouns are listed in italics. "Thefamilyis one of nature's masterpieces." "Nouns such ascommittee, family, government, jury, andsquadtake a singular verb orpronounwhen thought of as a single unit, but a plural verb or pronoun when thought o...
A few examples of collective nouns are: A gaggle of geese A troop of monkeys A band of musicians A crew A family How do you explain collective nouns? Collective nouns describe a group of people, animals, or things as one unit. They can be used in a singular or plural form, ...
When those in the collective noun act as individuals, use a plural verb. Plural verbs don’t have an “s” attached to the end of them. Some examples of plural verbs are: Walk Run Bake Talk Look through these examples of collective nouns using plural verbs: ...
Since all of the members of the committee would have to individually sign a document, and they couldn’t act as a group in this case, we treat “committee” as a plural noun which makes the plural verb, “put” and the plural pronoun, “their.” Generic nouns are grammatically singular...
Collective Nouns: Learn all about what is a collective noun, the definition of a collective noun and how collective nouns are used in sentences in this article.
You do not always need to have 'of...' after the collective noun; we also talk about a family, a jury, a team, an audience or a congregation. In terms of subject-verb agreement, most collective nouns can be treated as singular or plural so we can use a singular verb or a plural...
Here are some examples of words and expressions that can be considered singular or plural:choir, class, club, committee, company, family, government, jury, school, staff, team, union, the BBC, board of directors, the Conservative Party, Manchester United, the Ministry of Health...
Examples: a school of fish, a pride of lions. [..] + 加 英文- 凯尔特文 词典中的“collective noun" hanow kuntellek hanow gorow Englishtainment 显示算法生成的翻译 类似于 "collective noun" 的短语,可翻译成 凯尔特文 collective nouns henwyn kuntellek ...
Collective noun + singular or plural verb.集合名词与连用动词的单数或复数形式。当我们把这个名词当作一种非人格的东西看待时,即当作连用的动词应为单数。当我们把这个名词人格化时,即看作组成整体的若干人时,连用的动词应为复数。Study these sentences:...