Have your medical bills audited by a firm that analyzes such bills in order to find overcharges and other errors. An audit is an especially good idea if you owe medical debt to a hospital because studies show that most hospital bills are wrong. A medical debt audit company may charge you...
Much of this story is not new: media coverage of the problem of medical debt, the tactics used by hospitals to collect it, and political outcry have all happened before, often in waves of public attention that result in limited and short-lived reforms. Lasting solutions require an ...
CLN Law Firm protect foreigners who import from China. We identify scam, review doc, monitor delivery, act as your on-site representative to eliminate your possible bad debt in cost-effective ways.
The Law Offices of Mitchell D. Bluhm and Associates can help you create a plan to deal with your medical debt. We represent creditors. Located in Sherman, TX.
The Law Offices of Mitchell D. Bluhm and Associates can help you create a plan to deal with your medical debt. We represent creditors. Located in Sherman, TX.
Pennsylvania law allows third party collection agencies and original creditors to file a lawsuit for unpaid medical bills. The statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit in Pennsylvania for unpaid unsecured debt is four years. After this time passes, you may contest any lawsuit filed by a medical...
debt or permitted by law,” and Section 807(2)(A), which prohibits any false representation of “the character, amount, or legal status of any debt.” The guidance further highlighted certain medical debt collection practices as deceptive or unfair, and cautioned collectors of medical debt...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. col·lec·tion (kə-lĕk′shən) n. 1. The act or process of collecting. 2. A group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept together. 3. A line of products produced for one season, as ...
Our debt collection law firm in Massachusetts has over 50 years combined experience successfully assisting clients with their personal, small business, and commercial debt collection needs. Call today for a FREE consultation with one of our attorneys.
However, over the past several years, the civil courts in most states have been overrun by debt collection cases against consumers. The increase in lawsuits filed against consumers for unpaid medical debt, credit card bills, automobile loans and other collection issues comes as no surprise to ...