Leaving them in a plastic bag for too long on a warm or hot day causes the mushrooms to sweat becoming soft and slimy. A mesh bag is easy to carry. It breathes. It may distribute spores. The mesh can rough up delicate species though. What you need for a container does depend on ...
It has large capacity so you can collect many mushrooms. This mushroom basket is made of natural Wicker, the color May vary a bit of tone. It is recommended to go to the field with wicker baskets and not to use plastic bags, wicker baskets make it easier for the spores of the ...
Spores Whitish spore printWhen and where to find them (ecology) Chicken of the woods are most likely to be found from August through October or later but are sometimes found as early as June. This is a mushroom that is likely to startle you. It is very noticeable from long distance ...
I certainly do respect peer reviewed scientific methods of inquiry and understand how that differs from anecdotal evidence. I do use a microscope occasionally for learning and identification. I culture spores and grow spawn but mostly for the purpose of growing mushrooms around my house and woodlot...
This is the first positive result from my many stump inoculations. Turkey tails are also sharing this stump. Pleurotus pulmonarius Pleurotus pulmonarius P. populinus spores 1000x P. ostreatus spores 1000x Panellus serotinas, the Late Fall Oyster, is also edible but not as good as Pleurotus...
Spores from white to rust color.When and where to find them (ecology) Jerry Goguen from MA came to Maine last year and we walked out in the woods of Hallowell. I got lessons. He explained to me about "washes". Washes are intermittent streams on hills, small mountains and in valleys ...
A new layer of pores from 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick is built each successive year.Stem (stipe) Usually not present broadly attached to the wood and quite difficult to remove.Flesh Very hard and brown or brown and white.Spores The spores are brown and tend to collect on the top of the ...
Spores Colorless and difficult to collect.When and where to find them (ecology) These can be found under a variety of trees but hemlock is a good candidate. September and October seem to be the months when most will be found but they can appear as early as July. Any place where ...
Spores Olive brownWhen and where to find them (ecology) King boletes are mycorrhizal and are most commonly found under hemlock and oak especially where sphagnum mosses are present. They are also fairly common under most varieties of spruce. Lawns and grass under conifers are another common ...
Spores White spore print.When and where to find them (ecology) Mycorrhizal. Although they are called the "pine mushroom" they tend to grow mostly under eastern hemlock in Maine. These come in September and October thoughout Maine. Alternating cold nights and warm days seem to stimulate fruit ...