A vein is punctured, which causes the blood to leak outside of the vein. It spills out into the surrounding area. In this scenario, you cannot inject, draw blood, or create IV line on the affected veins. A blown vein is not that dangerous, but needs to be treated right away. There ...
Thrombophlebitis is due to one or more blood clots in a vein that cause inflammation. Thrombophlebitis usually occurs in leg veins, but it may occur in an arm or other parts of the body. Thethrombus in the vein causes pain and irritationand may block blood flow in the veins. What ...
I had a big, long varicose vein running down the back of my left leg and I noticed recently that there is a long bruise where the vein was and I assume the vein has collapsed. Should I be concerned? It doesn’t hurt or burn or bother me but it looks terrible!
I had a big, long varicose vein running down the back of my left leg and I noticed recently that there is a long bruise where the vein was and I assume the vein has collapsed. Should I be concerned? It doesn’t hurt or burn or bother me but it looks terrible!
Is a collapsed vein serious? Collapsed veins become truly dangerous once they have suffered permanent damage, which is only likely to happen in the case of neglect over a long amount of time. If you notice symptoms of collapsed veins, contact a vein specialist immediately. ...