Dovetailing TED Talks – Sally Taylor and William UryI recently attended Nashville’s TEDx where I had the opportunity to hear Sally Taylor’s recount her inspiration for and implementation of the Consenses project. Her talk was wonderful because it spoke to the deep, mysterious, and powerful n...
Ted Panitz (1996) I have been searching for many years for the Holy Grail of interactive learning, a distinction between collaborative and cooperative learning definitions. I am getting closer to my elusive goal all the time but I am still not completely satisfied with my perception of the two...
(yva@mit. edu) The Strength of the Strongest Ties in Collaborative Problem Solving Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye1, Arkadiusz Stopczynski1,2, Erez Shmueli1, Alex Pentland1 & Sune Lehmann2,3 1Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,...
合作学习与协作学习概念辨析:collaborative-learning-versus-cooper.pdf,合作学习与协作学习概念辨析:collaborative learning versus cooperative learning A Definition of Collaborative vs Cooperative Learning Ted Panitz (1996) I have been searching for many yea
Ted Panitz (1996) I have been searching for many years for the Holy Grail of interactive learning, a distinction between collaborative and cooperative learning definitions. I am getting closer to my elusive goal all the time but I am still not completely satisfied with my perception of the two...
Jordan-Douglass A, Kumar V, Woods PJ (2018) Exploring computational thinking through collaborative problem solving and audio puzzles. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children, pp. 513–516, Martin L (2015) The promise of the maker movement for education. J Pre-...
合作学习与协作学习概念辨析:collaborativelearningversus cooperativelearningADefinitionofCollaborativevsCooperativeLearningTedPanitz(1996)IhavebeensearchingformanyyearsfortheHolyGrailofinteractivelearning,adistinctionbetweencollaborativeandcooperativelearningdefinitions.IamgettingclosertomyelusivegoalallthetimebutIamstillnot...
Using the Social Information Processing Theory for our theoretical framework, we found that switching from text to audio benefitted creativity. We found no differences between texted and audio communication in social presence, desire for future interaction, or creativity. Replicating others’ results, ...
Although decentralizated/distributed approaches cope with this previous assumption, the SCs addressed in the majority of the works do not represent the complexity of the business reality. Most of the reviewed models are developed at a specific planning level (tactical or operational) where the differ... ...