For testing and demo purposes, it would be useful for this module to ship with a docker-compose setup (or .ddev). This would contain: A web container and a database container for Drupal. A container for a local collabora instance. @hfigu... docker-compose exec nextcloud_web apt -y update docker-compose exec nextcloud_web apt -y install libmagickcore-6.q...
I am learning and trying to build an optimizeddocker-compose.ymlto run Nextcloud with Collabora Online. First, I want to get a fully funcional Nextcloud on my VPS using plain HTTP. After everything is working right and hopefully, optimized, I will try to put this setup behind a docker con...
I’ve set the “username” and “password” in the environment variables in my docker-compose file as well as the commonly mentioned sslextra_params(extra_paramsappear to be working). In addition, I then tried to upload custom fonts via the Nextcloud Office Administration Settings ...
我是参考官方中文文档 - 用 Docker 部署 Seafile 专业版,做了一些小调整,下面是我的docker-compose.yml文件,我把collabora也写进docker-compose里了。 version: '2.0' services: db: image: mariadb:10.1 restart: always container_name: seafile-mysql ...
docker-compose是基于docker的开源项目,托管于github上,由python实现,调用 docker服务的API负责实现对docker容器集群的快速编排,即通过一个单独的yaml文件,来定义一组相关的容器来为一个项目服务。 所以,docker-compose默认的管理对象是项目,通过子命令的方式对项目中的一组容器进行生命周期的管理。
默认的nextcloud是Apache web, 我们将其换为nginx,通过搭配nextcloud-fpm和nginx两个docker完成。
Since last update, Collabora has a "DNS resolve" errror. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Create docker instance via docker-compose: version: '3' services: collabora-code: image: collabora/code container_name: collabora-code cap_add: - MKNOD environment: - username=USERNAME - pass...
Nextcloud 优点 完全开源 支持web界面、手机ios系统、手机安卓系统 容器化部署 准备环境 部署 docker、docker-compose (本文不讲docker、docker-compose部署) 部署 Nextcloud # 创建 nextcloud 目录 $ mkdir -p /data/nextcloud $ cd /data/nextcloud # 创建数据存储目录 $ mkdir db nextcloud-data nginx-config ...
Dear all, I'm desperately trying to configure NextCloud with a docker instance of Collabora over SSL. I've spent hours, not to say days but now I guess I...