Treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) has been markedly improved by several new drugs during the last few years. Mesalamine is currently still used as standard medication during induction and maintenance therapy of mild to moderate active UC. Steroids are still frequently used as highly...
Colitis ulcerosaMorbus CrohnLeitlinienErnährungstherapieGuidelines for medical, nutritional, and surgical treatment of Crohn's disease have been drawn up recently by gastroenterologists and abdominal surgeons from the " Deutsche Gesellschaft f眉r Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten ". These data ...
Interdisziplinäre Leitlinien: Entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (Morbus Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa)Preoperative diagnosticIndication for surgeryOperative techniquePostoperative complicationsPräoperative DiagnostikOperationsindikationOperationstechnikPostoperative Komplikationen...
die Konsequenzen für die medikamentse und operative Therapie der Grunderkrankung sowie allgemeine Manahmen zum Schutz vor Infektionen und für eine Begleittherapie bei CED-Patienten.In order to improve the care of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases during the coronavirus disease 2019 (...