Renal colic: a diagnostic and thera- peutic review. Emerg Med 1999; 11: 9-16 2. Cordell WH, Larson TA, Lingeman JE, et al. Indomethacin suppositories versus intravenously titrated morphine for the treatment of ureteral colic. Ann Emerg Med 1994; 23: 262-9 3. Uden P, Rentzhog L, ...
For this study, US findings were considered equivocal if ureteral calculi were not identified and if either (a) there were secondary US signs of ureteral calculi (hydronephrosis, dilation of the ureter origin, or perirenal effusion) or (b) there was high clinical concern for ureteral calculi. ...
Renal colic Since unenhanced (or plain) computed tomography (CT) was introduced in the 1990s, it has become the reference tool for the diagnosis of renal colic [1], [2], [3]. This is because CT has many advantages. It is fast, does not require intravenous administration of iodinated co...
Abstract Four cases of leaking abdominal aneurysm were originally diagnosed as renal colic. Many signs are common to both diseases. Particular emphasis must be given to considering the diagnosis of leaking aneurysm in all patients with symptoms typical of renal colic. Full Text ...
、胃胰襞和胃胰韧带Identifythegastrolienalandsplenorenalligament.Identifythefalciformandroundligamentofliver. Examinethelobesofliver,theleftandrighttriangularligament,thecoronaryligament,andsubphrenicspace.Identifythemesentery.Identifythemesoappendix.Identifythetransverseandsigmoidmesentery.Identifytheleftandrightparacol...
1. Subservience of excretory urography to unenhanced CT in evaluating renal colic: a good idea?--benefits and consequences (letter) [J] . Lautin EM, Schoenfeld A, Choudhri A Radiology . 1998 ,第1期 机译:排泄性尿路造影对不增强CT评估肾绞痛的价值:一个好主意?-好处和后果(字母) 2...
Children were excluded in cases of intestinal infectious diseases, severe concomitant diseases (including severe renal, cardiac, hepatic and/or immunosuppressive diseases), clinically significant thyroid dysfunction, cancer, known or suspected hypersensitivity to any components of the study medication, ...
route were compared in 293 patients (aged 18-70 years) with acute renal colic. A level of gtoreq 50 mm on the 100-mm visual analogue scale was required for inclusion in the study. Patients were randomly allocated to six treatment groups, receiving dipyrone 1 g i.m., dipyrone 1 g i....
In former years the medical profession rested serene in its reliance on the integrity and constancy of the normal ureteral valve for resisting and preventing the regurgitation of fluid from bladder to ureter. Once it had entered the bladder there was no going backward. even under all the ...
Renal stone epidemiology: a 25-year study in Rochester, Minnesota Kidney Int, 16 (1979), pp. 624-631 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [6] L. Borghi, T. Schianchi, T. Meschi, A. Guerra, F. Allegri, U. Maggiore, et al. Comparison of two diets for the prevention of...