Alanazi, Mohammed AbdullahAlanazi, Bandar AyedAlsaleh, Abdulaziz KhalafAlomayri, Mohammed Ibrahim A.Alanazi, Abdullah Tban M.Badaood, Ashraf MohsenWazzan, Hamza RaedAlhadhari, Yasser AbdurrahmanAldawsari, Ghalib NasserJournal of Biochemical Technology...
Objective: Acute abdominalgia is kind of commonly encountered disease, and the misdiagnosis of acute abdominalgia is not rare. 目的: 急性腹痛为临床常见病症,误诊率较高,本文旨在证明耳穴诊断能为腹痛病症的定位诊断提供重要的参考价值,可作为一种诊断急性腹痛疾病的辅助诊疗方法,减低误诊率;另一方面,用现代医...
Define colic. colic synonyms, colic pronunciation, colic translation, English dictionary definition of colic. n. 1. Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distension of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines. 2. A condition of
If the stone irritates the wall of the gallbladder, either because of its size, or from prolonged contact and impaction for more than 6 hours, plus invasion by bacteria, this could lead to the development of a disease of the gallbladder called Cholecystitis. This is gallstones plus gallbladd...
Colic is a serious disease of the horse and may require surgical correction. Postoperative complications may result in an increase in short-term morbidity and mortality. Commonly encountered nonsurgical complications are detailed. Anticipation and timely treatment of common postoperative complications after ...
Inflammatory bowel diseaseGastric ulcerationAbdominal adhesionsFalse colicMost recurrent episodes of non-specific colic are self-limiting, and the results of clinical examinations are unremarkable. Differentiating these cases from serious diseases can be difficult, but repeated evaluations are warranted. ...
Chenodal Chenodal is used for gallbladder disease Reviews & ratings Add a review View more Reltone Reltone is used for gallbladder disease, primary biliary cholangitis Reviews & ratings Add a review View more Chenodiol Chenodiol systemic is used for cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, ...
2.It should be mentioned that disease of biliary tract and coronary artery disease are common, We shouldn't ignore the blending affection, biliary colic provoke heartstroke which lead to this affection. 值得注胆道疾病与冠病均常见病,不少患者两者兼有,并可因胆绞而诱发绞。 声明:以上例句、词性分类...
Recurrent urinary tract infections related to the stone disease. The stone's size, shape, and position significantly influence the likelihood of spontaneous passage, as mentioned below. Larger, angular-shaped, and proximal ureteral calculi are less likely to pass spontaneously without intervention. ...
Define recurrent colic. recurrent colic synonyms, recurrent colic pronunciation, recurrent colic translation, English dictionary definition of recurrent colic. n. 1. Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distension of any of the hollow v