Aterosclerose, Inflama??o e Genética - E Você Achava que Era Só Colesterol LDLAtherosclerosis/physiopathologyInflammationCoronary Artery Disease/historyMortality and MorbidityPolymorphismGeneticRisk FactorsAs the twentieth century unfolded, based on numerous epidemiological observations and intervention trials,...
Mostrar aplicabilidade da nova fórmula, que nomeámos fórmula Martin‐Hopkins, na população portuguesa e comparar com a fórmula Friedewald utilizando o cLDL direto. Material e métodos Estudo transversal, incluindo 1689 participantes do estudo e_COR. Aplicámos as fórmulas Martin‐Hopkins e ...
a e LDL-colesterolo Photodynamic therapy and LDL-cholesterol. [Italian] Terapia fotodinamica e LDL-colesteroloPhotodynamic therapy and LDL-cholesterol. [Italian] Terapia fotodinamica e LDL-colesteroloPollio, CAgnifili, LLobefalo, LGallenga, P E...
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of long-term exposure to lower plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) on the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).Background: LDL-C is causally related to the risk of CHD. However, the association between long-ter...
The prevalence of high LDL-Cholesterol was 18.58%. In the final multivariate model were associated with the outcome: 30 to 44 years (PR 1.99; CI 1.58-2.54), 45 to 59 years (PR 2.89; CI 2.29-3.64), 60 years or more (PR 2.90; CI 2.29-3.68), living ...
after 12 weeks the highest dose of lactitol (5 g/kg/día) significantly increased fasting glycemia (91.35±5.1 vs. 124.69±5.7 mg/dl; p<0.05), and hdl-c concentration (32.09±1.8 vs. 59.92±2.2 mg/dl; p<0.05) and significantly decreased ldl-c concentration (31.45±4.5 vs. 17.71±3.1 ...
Cardiovascular risk and increased plasma LDL cholesterol concentration: the role of the Regional Health ServiceThe relevance of hypercholesterolemia, as a risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, requires urgent actions to detect and assist high-risk citizens/patients, thus reducing and/or avoiding ...
LDL-cholesterolTherapeutic goalsThe addition of ezetimibe in patients treated with statins produces an additional 25% reduction in total cholesterol, a 36% reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and a 24% reduction in triglycerides. This decrease enables 40% of the patients who ...
Blood levels of LDL cholesterol were determined first by the Direct method and then by the precipitation Friedewald method. The results were analyzed using (one way ANOVA) and compared (F test <0.05). Results. There were no differences for determing LDL cholesterol levels between the Direct ...
Pascual. (2009) Objetivos terapéuticos del colesterol LDL y cambios de la proteína C reactiva en pacientes de alto riesgo coronario. Revista Clínica Española 209 , 415-423 /J.A. Costa, E. Rodilla, F. Pérez-Lahiguera, A. Miralles, C. González, J.M. Pascual. (2009) Objetivos ...