继《黑袍纠察队》衍生剧《V世代》主演——27岁的钱斯·佩尔多莫(Chance Perdomo)死于模特车交通事故之后(戳此回顾),又一位27岁的美剧男演员去世。 他就是曾出演《黄石公园》外传《1923》的美国男演员科尔·布林斯 ·普兰提(Cole Brings Plenty)。在失踪5天后,警方在偏僻树林中找到他的尸体。 The Johnson County Sh...
The First Lady of Country Music died on April 6, 1998. In 1999, Tammy Wynette’s body was exhumed in an attempt to settle a dispute. After no autopsy was conducted and the cause of death was listed as a blood clot, her daughters grew suspicious and filed a wrongful death lawsuit agains...
J. Cole 的声音是比21要洪亮的,当他为21做嘉宾时,就像龙头上明亮的眼睛一样,正所谓画龙点睛。但...
As soon as she caught the drift of what he was attempting to sell, she could see from the faces of the Carter men that they would never enlist. Still, she thought it a brave effort and was disappointed on his behalf when he came to the end. Mister Carter waxed long and eloquently on...
他就是曾出演《黄石公园》外传《1923》的美国男演员科尔·布林斯 ·普兰提(Cole Brings Plenty)。在失踪5天后,警方在偏僻树林中找到他的尸体。 The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office in Kansas announced on Friday, April 5, that the authorities had been called about an unoccupied vehicle. After checking th...
J.Cole《The Off-Season》既《KOD》后,时隔三年,扣老师发布了自己的第六张个人录音室专辑《The Off...
而Off-Season里面,Cole很多时候都很愤怒激动(比如95 South、My Life、100 Mil),然后大量的trap甚至...
I get up, dust my clothes off, sleep is the cousin of death 我站起来,把衣服上的灰都弹掉,睡觉是死亡的表亲 (Sleep is the cousin of death:这句歌词致敬了Nas的“N.Y. State of Mind”里的一句歌词也就是这句话。 众所周知J.Cole曾多次Shout out Nas并称对方为自己的精神导师而且在J.Cole心里...
Cole似乎并不在意。他在结尾曲目Track12 hunger on hillside中再一次彻底拥抱旋律:丰富的和声编排、如此...
但是,这张专辑比我想的还是差了一些。本来intro给了我特别大的惊喜,顶到爆炸,尤其最后put your hood...