最近,这个27岁的“诅咒”,似乎在美剧圈应验。 继《黑袍纠察队》衍生剧《V世代》主演——27岁的钱斯·佩尔多莫(Chance Perdomo)死于模特车交通事故之后(戳此回顾),又一位27岁的美剧男演员去世。 他就是曾出演《黄石公园》外传《1923》的美国男演员科尔·布林斯 ·普兰提(Cole Brings Plenty)。在失踪5天后,警方在偏...
He blames himself for her death and isn’t doing very well at all. (I wanted just a bit more in each of the later scenes in the book.) Bad Company by KA Mitchell. ebook. Good m/m romance about two guys who were friends when they were kids, but haven’t spoken for years… ...
and the decade that Atkins spent at the helm included several of the best novels in this long-running series (this is the 50th novel!!). He also helped legions of fans deal with Parker’s death by doing such a capable job. This book evokes some of Parker’s best early novels while ...