Since 2014, she has been the Design Editor of Wallpaper*, where she oversees design content for the print and online editions, as well as special editorial projects. Through her role at Wallpaper*, she has written extensively about all areas of design. Rosa has been speaker and moderator ...
Explore the Sweet Pea Blue Wallpaper - pattern number 1006031 - by Cole and Son Wallpaper from the Archive Anthology book. Wallpapers To Go is America's #1 wallcovering store and has been helping customers add beauty to their homes and businesses for 50 years. Save big during our Holiday ...
Cole&Son was first established in the borough of Islington in North London, an area renowned forits 190 hand block printing businesses at the time. Today, the Cole&Son archive consists of approximately 1,800 block print designs, 350 screen print designs and a huge quantity of original drawings...
商标名称 EILLISFA ROYAL LUEEN NO ADDED SKINCARE BY APPOINIMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN SUPPLIERS OF WALLPAPER COLE SON WALLPAPERS LTD 国际分类 第03类-日化用品 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 17182785 申请日期 2015-06-11 申请人名称(中文) 广州嫒利化妆品有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人...
I am the beauty of the natural world, the nurturing lands under foot and the growing flora around your crown. Borne from the earth of our ancestors, rejuvenated through artisanal prowess. I am living art. I am Jabula. DISCOVER THE COLLECTION Colour. Pattern. Exceptional Wallpapers & Fabrics...
Cole & Son’s non-woven wallpapers are sponge wipeable with a soft damp cloth and no agent or detergent. We do not recommend attempting to wipe our silk, grasscloth or flock wallpapers. Delivery & Returns Final delivery costs are calculated at checkout according to the product(s) you are ...
Cole & Son Wallpapers Fabrics Accessories Flagship The Journal Our Heritage Where to buy WALLPAPER COLLECTIONFoundation Wallpaper CollectionFoundation is influenced by architectural building textures and reclaimed surfaces. Materials such as metal, timber, marble and concrete provide inspiration for this ...
Cole & Son’s non-woven wallpapers are sponge wipeable with a soft damp cloth and no agent or detergent. We do not recommend attempting to wipe our silk, grasscloth or flock wallpapers. Delivery & Returns Final delivery costs are calculated at checkout according to the product(s) you are...
A post shared byCole & Son(@cole_and_son_wallpapers) onNov 25, 2018 at 1:40pm PST 充滿文藝電影感的華美設計 來自英國的壁紙品牌Cole & Son,由John Perry於1875年在北倫敦創立,專門生產華麗典雅的壁紙設計,靈感汲取自18-20世紀初的歷史文化,打造充滿文藝氣息的華美圖樣,於經典的匠人精神和前衛的當代美學...