Genre: Rock Label: Atlantic / Parlophone Reviewed: May 20, 2014 Ghost Stories is unmistakably Coldplay's "breakup album," a subdued work that finds Chris Martin and his band crisply moping through mid-tempo soundscapes and fuzzy electronic touches that have the visceral impact of a down comforte...
For Martin, it was an album that needed to live up to those that had previously raised the bar for what rock music could be, chiefly Radiohead’s The Bends and U2’s The Unforgettable Fire. Ironically, Coldplay’s panoramic masterpiece was made in one of the tiniest rooms in Liverpool’...
Moon Music Artist:Coldplay Genre:Rock Label:Parlophone Having recently divulged the information thatColdplayonly intend to make 12 albums in total, the pressure is on forChris Martin’sband to ramp up for a big finish. Yet havin...
Nobody said it was easy, but Coldplay have undoubtedly become the most successful alt-rock group to emerge from the UK within the last 25 years. Landing in the public consciousness with the indie-inflected acoustic folk ofParachutesbefore embarking on a multi-coloured crusade to widen the sonic...
skip to main content albums everyday life coldplay 2019 6.8 by sam sodomsky genre: rock label: parlophone / atlantic reviewed: november 25, 2019 on the 52-minute vision quest that is their new double lp, the world’s most earnest arena band sound looser than they have in years. save ...
Dive Into The Deep Sea 潜入海底深处 Easy Mind 风格 Genre: Ambient氛围/Downtempo缓拍/Electronic电子/Psychedelic迷幻 音乐制作 Music written & 刷子Ki 1-11 14 【单曲资源】【Charlie Brown (Live from The BRIT)】 金满贯安... 金满贯安... 11-28 71 布鲁克林倒数演唱会饭拍视频合集 52Kev hur...
which found the band moving away from the acoustic intimacy of Parachutes and into something more grand and majestic. For Martin, it was an album that needed to live up to those that had previously raised the bar for what rock music could be, chiefly Radiohead’s The Bends and U2’s The...
which found the band moving away from the acoustic intimacy of Parachutes and into something more grand and majestic. For Martin, it was an album that needed to live up to those that had previously raised the bar for what rock music could be, chiefly Radiohead’s The Bends and U2’s The...
Dive Into The Deep Sea 潜入海底深处 Easy Mind 风格 Genre: Ambient氛围/Downtempo缓拍/Electronic电子/Psychedelic迷幻 音乐制作 Music written & 刷子Ki 1-11 14 【单曲资源】【Charlie Brown (Live from The BRIT)】 金满贯安... 金满贯安... 11-28 71 布鲁克林倒数演唱会饭拍视频合集 52Kev hur...
Dive Into The Deep Sea 潜入海底深处 Easy Mind 风格 Genre: Ambient氛围/Downtempo缓拍/Electronic电子/Psychedelic迷幻 音乐制作 Music written & 刷子Ki 1-11 14 【单曲资源】【Charlie Brown (Live from The BRIT)】 金满贯安... 金满贯安... 11-28 71 布鲁克林倒数演唱会饭拍视频合集 52Kev hur...