Error Executing Database Query. Query Of Queries syntax error. Encountered ". Incorrect GROUP BY column reference []. Only simple column reference, and alias name are allowed. Example: You can use alias to refer to a complex expression: SELECT (a+b)/2 as x, count(*) FROM T GROUP BY ...
"alias": "myConfig", "serviceName" : "DYNAMODB" }; For admin portal, alias is already mandatory.Named parametersColdFusion DyanamoDB API’s also supports named parameters for its attributes They are named: Query Options Query parameter takes in the payload that needs to be sent. For ex:...
When the maximum number of cached queries is reached, the oldest query is dropped from the cache and replaced with the specified query. If you set the maximum number of cached queries to 0, query caching is unlimited. Use Internal Cache to Store Queries When you select this option, at ...
Interestingly, all the queries that were erroring already had tbl_alias.*. I'm thinking that the only reason that seemed to work for some people is because it was a change to the query (notice in the comments that some people just added a space somewhere and that fixed it too). I ...
Query Of Queries syntax error. Simonbullen Participant , Feb 21, 2008 Copy link to clipboard Hi all, I have the following query: <cfquery name="agent" datasource="datasourcename"> SELECT * FROM quotes where status = 'Pending' <cfif isDefined("form.agent")> AND agent = '#FORM....
You can easily create streams from CFML string lists, arrays or structs (Queries are not supported yet.). You can also generate streams using several built-in ApproachStreams can be generated from almost any collection in CFML (string lists, arrays, structs). Query ...
This call will return a query object with your normalized data. There are a couple of things to note. The first row of your CSV file will contain the column names. I'm sure there are ways around that and researching the text driver a little will unearth them. Also remember that the cl...
Alias a field name in a join query Patrick GH Participant , Jun 17, 2013 Copy link to clipboard I have a database with spaces in the field names (not my fault). I am having a problem with the query because one of the fileds I am joining on has a space in its name. See ...
This function returns the count of documents that match the query for a collection. <cfscript> db = getmongoservice("mymongodb").db("db_source") // create a db // Members collection countResponse=db.members.countDocuments() writeDump(countResponse) // Returns all documents in the collecti...
If ColdFusion finds a matching key, it displays the Last Name from the query and the corresponding entry in the structure. 1 2 3 4 5 <cfloop query="GetEmployees"> <cfif StructKeyExists(myStruct, LastName)> <cfoutput>#LastName#: #mystruct[LastName]#</cfoutput...