key eq "SubBusiness"> <cfif NOT listfindNoCase(sbiztemplist,arrSearch[arr].owner.Orgname,"|")> <cfset sbiztemplist = listAppend(sbiztemplist,arrSearch[arr].owner.Orgname,"|")> </cfif> </cfif> </cfloop> Create a Excel and write data and download 代码语言:javascript 复制 <...
listFindNoCase("Login.cfm,Authentication.cfc",page)> <cfif !structKeyExists(SESSION, "loggedin") OR SESSION.loggedin EQ false> <cflocation url="Login.cfm" addToken="false"> </cfif> </cfif> <cfreturn true> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> I'm not ...
<cfset raText=listToArray(exceptionLog,chr(10))> <cfset raErr=[]> <cfset goneBack=0> <cfset showHowMany=1> <cfoutput> <cfloop from="#arrayLen(raText)#" to="1" step="-1" index="idxErr"> <cfif findNoCase("error",raText[idxErr])> <cfif goneBack lte form.goBack><cf...
FileSetLastModified FileWrite FileWriteLine Find FindNoCase FindOneOf FirstDayOfMonth Fix FormatBaseN GenerateSecretKey GetAuthUser GetBaseTagData GetBaseTagList GetBaseTemplatePath GetClientVariablesList GetComponentMetaData GetContextRoot GetCurrentTemplatePath GetDirectoryFromPath GetEncoding ...
if(!listFindNoCase(qUtil.getQueuesListStr(sb), qName)) writeOutput("queue #qName# NOT created. This is NOT expected.") else writeOutput("queue #qName# created successfully.") messageArrayToSend = getMessageArray(msgCount) seqNo = scheduler.scheduleMessage(sb, qName, messageArray...
Arrayfind 代码语言:javascript 复制 <cfscript> writeDump(ArrayFind(["STRING","string"], "string")); writeDump(ArrayFind(["STRING","string"], function(s) {if(compare(s, "string")==0) return true; return false;})); </cfscript> ArrayMap 这个比普通的循环方便多了 代码语言:javascript...
(username, password); // Custom function to validate credentials if (isValidUser) { session.user = username; writeOutput(serializeJSON({success: true})); } else { writeOutput(serializeJSON({success: false})); } </cfscript> React can then call this API and update the UI based on ...
To disable a service, right click on it in the Services list, selectProperties then set the Startup Type to Disabled. If the service is running, hit the Stop button. Lockdown Installer: ColdFusion Runtime User Lockdown Installer: ColdFusion Runtime User Verify that each ColdFusion service is ...
Immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE) Iterable objects, via Spread and Rest operators Iterator support for CFCs Support for static fields and methods for CFCs Identity operator, "==" Case-sensitive and ordered structs "Destructuring assignment" feature for structs, arrays Dynamic switch ...
<cfset stacktraceArray = ListToArray(Replace(cfcatch.stacktrace, "at ", " | ", "All"),...