SerializeJSON 代码语言:javascript 复制 <cfparam name="IncludeSubOrgs" default=""> <!--- <cfheader name="Content-Type" value="application/json"> ---> <cfquery name="getSites" datasource=""> …… </cfquery> <cfcontent reset="true" /> <cfoutput> #SerializeJSON(getSites,true)# <...
Use CF admin or the cfpm utility tool to uninstall the default derby package. Download the attached derby jar and the bundlesdependency_custom.json file. Place the files in <cf_home>/bundles directory. Download the attached derby-combined-10.11.jar and place it in the<cf_home>/bundles/repo...
This page captures the posts/articles by the CFML community related to theColdFusion 11release. For anyadditions/corrections, please drop me a note. Created: Feb 27, 2014Updated: Oct 13, 2019Total Tutorials: 93 Language Enhancements Tutorials ...
In this release, the casing of the struct keys would be maintained. Allows deserializing a JSON object to a query. See example for more information. ColdFusion 11: Added the parameter useCustomSerializer. ColdFusion 8: Added this function. Parameters Parameter Description JSONVar A valid JSON ...
So I don't think that's going to work out very well. Here are some things you can do. First, open a bug ticket at https://tracker.adobe.com/. Second, if you need to install felix-cache right now, edit your JSON file to point to the version you have in your bundles folder. I...
ColdFusion takes care of the serialization/deserialization of the ColdFusion data types used in the services to XML or JSON implicitly. A function that is REST-enabled can take the following ColdFusion data types as arguments: query, struct, CFC type, array, array of CFCs, XML, string, ...
[ シリアル化 JSON への接頭辞付加 ] シリアル化 JSON 文字列にカスタムの接頭辞を付加することで,JSON データを返す Web サービスをク ロスサイトスクリプティング攻撃から保護します. [ メモリ内ファイルシステムの有効化 ] メモリ内仮想ファイルシステムのサポートを有効にします...
So the first is the object to serialise (which surely should be part of the questioncanSerialize()is supposed to ask, and the format to serialise to. Cool. canDeserialize()is passed this: canDeserialize - struct I guess it's because it's being called fromdeserialize...