insert into tblWorkshops (QuotePDate etc..) values (#form.QuotePDa te#, etc How can I get the database to accept the null value? The users of the form won't need to always enter a date, tho they may need to update it later on. Thanks! Neil Oct...
Hi, I need to insert to the DB from CF query recordset. The simplest way to do is using cfloop on the query and the INSERT INTO TABLENAME within the loop. It is - 268964
DATASOURCE="ORA_NATIVE" DBTYPE="Oracle80"> INSERT INTO EMP(EMPNO, ENAME) VALUES (4989,'Newman') </cfquery><cfif commitIt EQ "Yes"><p>INSERT ran okay, Commit transaction</p><cftransaction action="COMMIT" /></cfif><!--- If the Stored Procedure FAILS, Catch it here ---><!
<cfargument name="DataSource" type="string" required="yes"> <CFQUERY datasource="#datasource#" > delete from TEMP_ReqStatus </cfquery> <CFQUERY datasource="#datasource#" > insert into TEMP_ReqStatus (projectref, O_FLAG) select project...
Setting Login Timeout (sec) Query Timeout (seconds) Allowed SQL Suggestion 5 Seconds Not 0 Enable only operations required by the application, eg SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE Additional Info Decrease this value to be less than the Timeout Requests after setting. Specify an upper limit ...
<cfquery datasource="cafetownsend">INSERT INTOCOMMENTS(FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, TELEPHONE)VALUES(<cfifIsDefined("FORM.textfield1")AND#FORM.textfield1# NEQ "">'#FORM.textfield1#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif> ,<cfif IsDefined("FORM.textfield2") AND #FORM.textfield2# NEQ "">'#FORM.textfield2...
To insert an item in a specific position in the array, use the ArrayInsertAt() function (in this case, the new value is added before position 3):<cfset ArrayInsertAt(faq, ,3, "How to modify an array?")>CF Lists ColdFusion Redirect ...
* from @new /* here is the core SQL used to do the move */ delete @original -- get the data removed from the @original table output,,, deleted.dob -- insert the deleted row into the @new table into @new -- your where clause for the "dele...
In addition, inserting variables directly into the SQL statement prevents the database server from caching the query execution plan, forcing it to parse the statement anew every time it is executed, which can hurt performance. ColdFusion accounted for this issue by introducing the cfqueryparam tag...