The city's temperature hit the lowest it has been in the last 35 years on Saturday morning, plunging to lower than minus 7 degrees Celsius in some areas. Despite the frigid start, the mercury is expected to bounce ba...
ThathonorbelongstotheRussiancityofYakutsk.LocatedinSiberia,oneoftheworld'scoldestandmostpoorlypopulatedregions,Yakutskishometoaround 336,200 people,manyofwhomworkforAlrosa,a companythatruns a diamondmineinthecity.TemperaturesinYakutskhavereachedminus 76 degreesFahrenheit (minus 60 degreesCelsius).Someresidents...
根据第二段中 “Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.” (因此,地球上 有记录以来最冷的温度是在1983年7月的南极洲。苏联科学家在零下89.2摄氏度的低温中瑟瑟发抖。
Located at the northern foot of Yilehuli Mountain in Dahinggan, Huzhong district is known as “China's coldest town“. The annual average temperature here is minus 4.3 degrees Celsius, and the lowest temperature in the history of the town was minus 53.2 degrees Celsius. Wang Ping, director ...
The city's temperature hit the lowest it has been in the last 35 years on Saturday morning, plunging to lower than minus 7 degrees Celsius in some areas. The mercury dropped to minus 4.2 degrees in downtown areas,...
——The temperature in the polar regions can drop to minus 200 degrees Celsius. 10.极地的温度可以低至零下220摄氏度。——The temperature in the polar regions can drop to minus 220 degrees Celsius. 极地是世界上最冷的地方,温度可以低至零下220摄氏度,这是一个令人难以置信的温度。极地的温度比其他...
Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius. ”(因此,地球上有记录以来最冷的温度是在 1983 年 7 月的南极洲。苏联科学家在零下 89.2 摄氏度的低温中瑟瑟发抖。)故可推知...
The coldest temperaturesnorkel(呼吸管)that goes inside their coat. Theyfound before this was also in Antarctica. That was minusbreathe the warmer air that is close to their skin.89. 2 degrees Celsius.根据短文内容,按要求完成下列任务。Scientist Dr. Ted Scambos said," These very low任务一:把...
This new temperature is six times lower than the previous record and marks the first time a gas was cooled below one nanokelvin (one billionth of a degree). At absolute zero (-273? Celsius or -460? Fahrenheit), all motion stops, except for tiny atomic vibrations, since the cooling proces...
The cold air is predicted to bring gale-force winds and temperature drops to the city over the weekend, starting with brief periods of light rain on Friday. On Saturday, the temperature is forecast to be no more than 2 ...