根据第二段第一行“Oymyakonis a smallvillageineasternSiberia. ItisclosetotheArcticCircle. ThevillageiswellknownasthecoldestinhabitedplaceonEarth.(奥伊米亚康是西伯利亚东部的一个小村庄。它靠近北极圈。这个村庄是地球上最冷的有人居住的地方。)”可知ABC选项都有提到,D选项“冬天奥伊米亚康的最高温度”没有...
In January 1995, the lowest temperature recorded in India was -45 degrees Celsius (-49 degrees Fahrenheit) in Dras, which is located in the Union Territory of Ladakh. Dras is a high-altitude village in the Himalayas that faces bitterly cold winters. The town is known as the “Gateway to ...
Scambos said he was sure that the temperaturesSatellites measured(测量)arecorded by the satellites were right. (D)He also saidtemperature of minus 94.5that they would be too cold for a thermometer to workdegrees Celsius on a part of Antarctica(南极洲)properly. It is so cold that people ...
Located in the northeastern Heilongjiang province and nestled near Russian Siberia,Moheis widely known as “China’s North Pole” and is one of the few places in the country to have asubarctic climate. Ad Feedback The temperature at 7am on January 22, also the first day of theLunar New Y...
The Sakha Republic is the largest region of Siberia as well as the subarctic and Arctic regions. The climate of the republic is characterized as sharply continental, with a long winter period and a short summer. The recorded minimal air temperature in this Siberian region is −71.2 °C [28...
Since the completion of the pipeline in 1977, there is little activity in the area. Prospect Creek is known for having the lowest recorded temperature in the United States. In January of 1971, the record low temperature of nearly minus 80 degrees F (minus 62 degrees C) was recorded. ...
Afish market, and freezing fog that the sun struggles to pierce, bear witness to the ferocious chills of Yakutsk, Siberia's largest city - and the world's coldest. In January, when Swiss photographer Steeve luncker arrived in the Russian city, population 270,000, the temperature was -48℃...
The record lows occurred during the period known as the “Dirty 30’s”, or the Dust Bowl era. Meteorologists say that dry conditions likely were responsible for the record cold. A few months later Steele, ND, experienced the highest temperature ever recorded in this state when the thermometer...