根据文中 “Where is the coldest place on the Earth? You might think it's the Arctic. No, it's Antarctica.” 可知,世界上最冷的地方是南极洲,不是北极,所以该题错误,答案为 F。文中提到 “Antarctica is the world's biggest ‘desert’. There is very little rain. It is also a ‘white d...
文中明确指出 “Where is the coldest place on Earth? You might think of the Arctic. No, it is Antarctica.”,即世界上最冷的地方是南极洲,不是北极,所以该题错误。依据文中 “It is the world's biggest desert, because there's very little rain. It is also a "white desert".” 可知,由于降...
the coldest place on earth主要内容《The Coldest Place on Earth》是一部关于地球上最寒冷的地方南极洲的纪录片。这部纪录片详细讲述了南极洲的独特环境、生物以及人类在极地工作和生活的情况。它探索了南极洲的壮丽景色和极端气候,同时也揭示了人类与这片大陆之间的互动和影响。 在纪录片中,观众可以看到南极洲的...
[世界上最冷的地方/蒂姆·维卡里著] TheColdestPlaceOnEarthbyTimVicary ■简介 当今,南极有一座房子,叫阿蒙森—斯科特南极站。室内暖融融的,无论夏冬,人们都可以在那儿生活、工作。飞机毫不费力地便能飞抵或是飞离南极站。从这儿到世界其它地方,要不了多少小时。但是从南极站出来走上500米,那儿的南极洲便再次成...
世界上最冷的地方 The Coldest Place on Earth 作者:蒂姆·维卡里 (Tim Vicary) [英国] 南极有一座房子,叫阿蒙森—斯科特南极站。室内暖融融的,无论夏冬,人们都可以在那儿生活、工作。飞机毫不费力地便能飞抵或是飞离南极站。从这儿到世界其他地方,要不了多少小时。但是从南极站出来走上500米,那是地球上最寒...
世界上最冷的地方Antarctica(南极洲) is the coldest place on theearth, but every year thousands of tourists go there. Whydo people want to take a vacation there? There are nofamous buildings, no hotels and no restaurants. There aresome beaches, but nobody wants to go swimming.Most people ...
in the west side of Antarctic D. in the seas all over the earth ( ) 2. Nowadays, global warming E. causes the penguins to leave Antarctic F. causes the ice in Antarctic to melt G. makes the penguins own a more comfortable place . makes the earth's temperature lower and lower ( )...
the coldest place on earth主要内容英文the coldest place on earth The coldest place on earth is a remarkable testament to the extreme weather conditions that our planet can offer. Located in Antarctica, the icy paradise known as Dome Fuji stands as one of the most inhospitableenvironments for ...
关于本文 本文标题:1.08.世界上最冷的地方.The.Coldest.Place.On.Earth 链接地址:https://upload.mayiwenku.com/p-50568574.html当前资源信息 1824***852 编号: 20240705175749946131 类型: 共享资源 格式: DOC 大小: 128.00KB 上传时间: 2024-07-05 相关资源 【八年级上册数学沪教版】第18-19章 知识梳理...
The Coldest Place on Earth 史书泰 TimVicary(蒂姆维里卡)生于英格兰北部的约克,英国人,英国有名的教师和作家。他写过有名的《TheColdestPlaceonEarth》、《MaryQueenofScots》等»。TheColdestPlaceonEarth 当今,南极有一座叫阿蒙森—斯科特南极站。室内暖融融的,无 论夏冬,人们都可以在那儿生活、...